Rape myths are alive and well and on show in the de Belin case

When a NSW District Court jury was unable to reach a verdict earlier this month in the sexual assault trial of well-known St George Illawarra Dragons NRL player,Jack de Belin,and his co-accused Callan Sinclair,observers of this high-profile case were left wondering:what next?

Yesterday the answer came:nothing – there will be no further charges or proceedings in relation to the matter.

Jack de Belin was told this week that the DPP would not pursue a third trial.

Jack de Belin was told this week that the DPP would not pursue a third trial.Steven Siewert

Juries have twice been unable to reach a verdict in this case. The first trial resulted in a “hung jury” in 2020. At the second trial the two men were acquitted of one charge,but the jury could not reach a decision on five other aggravated sexual assault charges arising out of events in 2018.

On Thursday it was reported that the Director of Public Prosecutions,or DPP,wrote to each of the accused men to indicate that a third trial would not proceed. This decision was confirmed in court proceedings yesterday.

This means there has been no finding by a court either way as to the innocence or guilt of de Belin or Sinclair in relation to five charges. The decision not to pursue another trial was open to the DPP in line with the NSW ODPP’s prosecutorial guideline 1.4,which reads:“Where two juries have been unable to agree upon a verdict,a retrial will be directed only in exceptional circumstances.”

We expect criminal trials to give us a clear outcome – one way or the other. When they do not,people are understandably surprised and disappointed. Such an outcome may also lead to a little less confidence in the court system’s capacity to deliver justice and finality – for the accused men,for the complainant,and for the community.

All sexual assault charges against Jack de Belin and co-accused Callan Sinclair have been dropped by the Department of Public Prosecution.

This case and its ending invite reflections on the enormous costs of prosecuting criminal matters. The financial costs for the state alone are significant:two trials of two-plus weeks,each involving a Crown Prosecutor and solicitor,before we even get to the judge,jury and court staff. The accused men have paid for lawyers.

Even more deserving of attention is the human cost. The toll is immense. The complainant has endured the ordeal of giving evidence and being cross-examined. While her pre-recorded evidence from the first trial was played at the second,she was still called to answer further questions in relation to new evidence. The accused men have also had accusations of serious crimes pending for a long period of time,with implications for their livelihoods. This is one of the reasons why the Victorian Law Reform Commissionis currently considering restorative and alternative justice models for sexual offences.

We shouldn’t shy away from the window the case has given us into how some men view sex and women. It has been widely reported that Sinclair spoke of the complainant as “hanging around us like a bad smell” and de Belin described the alleged events as a “bun,just like typical f***en standard” – a slang term for a threesome.

Statements like this remind us that there are forms of masculinity at odds with the social values of equality and respectful relationships. This week,NSW Attorney-General,Mark Speakman,and rape law reform advocate,Saxon Mullins,announced the latest round of important reforms to NSW sexual assault laws. Their public statements reminded us that achieving an affirmative consent standard is not just a matter of amending the criminal law that applies in rape trials,but also of educating everyone about the importance of genuine respect and real consent in sexual relationships.

Another sobering lesson from this case is the reminder that “rape myths” continue to be evoked in rape trials. The defence supported the contention that the complainantconsented in a variety of ways,including suggesting she had taken steps to “look your best” putting on makeup,danced in a “flirtatious” way and taken de Belin’s wide-brimmed hat off his head – an indication apparently that she was keen for sex. It was reported Sinclair’s lawyer asked,“At any time in that bedroom,did you lash out with your arms?” Much was made of the complainant’s “happy” behaviour after the event,shown in CCTV footage. It was reported de Belin’s lawyer said:if she had been “violated” in the way she says some 30 minutes earlier,“you would not be presenting in a picture like that,would you?”

Decades of legislative reform and education campaigns have attempted to shift deeply problematic ideas like those that suggest “flirtation” is synonymous with consent;that complainants should fight back to demonstrate non-consent;or that there is a “correct” way for victims to behave in the aftermath. This case reminds us that there is still work to do – outside and inside the courtroom.

The NSW government has recently endorsed the NSW Law Reform Commission’s recommendation that jury directions should be more widely employed to reduce the risk that rape myths might resonate with jurors and influence their deliberations. Legislation implementing this and other NSWLRC recommendations will be introduced into the NSW Parliament later this year. Of course,these laws won’t have any impact on the de Belin/Sinclair case – which is now over.But the hope is they will improve the capacity of the court process to achieve justice in future cases.

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Dr Julia Quilter is a professor in the School of Law at the University of Wollongong.

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