Sex abuse victims,betrayed by confidants,at risk of worse trauma:study

When sexually abused children and young women muster the courage to tell someone what happened to them,their confidants risk inflicting fresh trauma by doubting,dismissing or threatening the victims with retribution,Australian researchers warn.

The betrayal and sense of shame felt by survivors of sexual violence who are ignored or blamed by the people they trust could put them at greater risk of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),major depression and suicidal behaviour,a study published inBMJ Opensaid.

Sarah - not her real name - felt shame and self-loathing after her parents told her she had hallucinated when she told them about the sexual abuse perpetrated by her brother.

Sarah - not her real name - felt shame and self-loathing after her parents told her she had hallucinated when she told them about the sexual abuse perpetrated by her brother.James Brickwood

"The people that should be providing support and security and safety are denying the experience of the abused,"lead investigator Associate Professor,Susan Rees at UNSW's School of Psychiatry told theHerald.

"It's maddening that still,after so many years,this hasn't changed,"she said.

The researchers interviewed 30 women survivors of sexual abuse via the Sydney Local Health District's Sexual Assault Counselling Service. Almost half of the participants were first sexually abused as children.

When they disclosed the abuse as children or young women - usually to a trusted adult family member - more than half were not believed,ignored,overtly blamed or threatened to keep silent.

Overall,28 participants had PTSD and 24 had major depression. Sixteen had experienced suicidal ideation after their abuse and nine had attempted suicide.

By plotting a timeline of the abuse and the events and reactions that followed,the researchers found that negative reactions to disclosures of abuse were linked to the onset of their mental disorders.

Survivors described feeling shame,betrayal and psychologically vulnerable when their parents,aunts or other trusted adult confidants reacted badly to their disclosures. They connected these damaging feelings with their PTSD,depression and their reasons for self-harming or attempting suicide.

"These negative disclosure experiences were fundamentally linked chronologically to their mental disorders,"Dr Rees said."We could see what caused these feelings to arise and then how they may leave[these survivors] more vulnerable to mental disorder."

Understanding the connection could be crucial to their recovery,she said.

Dr Rees said social attitudes and behaviours needed to change to help sexual abuse survivors get the best possible support when they disclosed abuse.

"There are families who are still influenced by the fear that sexual abuse will bring them shame and so they silence a child,not realising the harm can be lifelong,"she said.

Sarah* was six years old the first time she was sexually abused by her eight-year-old brother.

"He always told me that if I told our family it would tear them apart,"Sarah said.

But she did tell her parents when she was eight. They minimised the abuse. There were no repercussions for her brother and the family didn't speak of it again. No one assured her it wasn't her fault. She developed an eating disorder and started self-harming in her early teens.

Sarah forgot about the abuse until she was 17 when she woke in her bed to find her brother indecently assaulting her.

"I didn't want to believe it was happening. I was so alarmed and distressed,but I stuck to my guns and I yelled for my parents,"she said.

"They told me I must have been hallucinating,and that we'd talk about it in the morning."

But Sarah left before daybreak. She spent four months sleeping on a friend's couch. She developed severe insomnia,culminating in a hospital admission.

"It just festered inside me,"Sarah said."I was screaming all the time. I wanted to yell about what happened to me and be believed."

Sarah,now 25,has found the professional support she needs,and is rebuilding her relationship with her parents.

"Empathy and validation have been really important and I want survivors to know there are people who want to and can help,"she said.

While it was impossible to determine whether the link was causal,Antonia Quadara,manager of the Sexual Violence Research team at the Australian Institute of Family Studies,said dismissing the complaint could compound the trauma of the abuse itself,and could leave survivors more vulnerable to developing mental illness.

"There is a lot of complexity around disclosure,"Dr Quadara said,stressing that survivors often disclosed multiple times in varied ways throughout their lives.

Dr Quadara said families needed to be better equipped to respond when survivors disclosed abuse.

"It takes a lot of guts for someone to tell or try to tell you[about their abuse],"she said.

"Being present and mindful is an essential starting point and understanding that disclosure and making an allegation aren't the same thing. One might follow the other,but at that moment they are trying to make sense of it themselves."

Kids Helpline 1800 551 800,Lifeline 13 11 14,National Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Counselling Service 1800 RESPECT

*Name has been changed

Kate Aubusson is Health Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald.

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