Sidelined Dan Andrews unable to take a swing


No one enjoys broken ribs. No one enjoys serious back pain. No one enjoys forced idleness. Especially someone who is used to galloping at full speed for years at the pace required to sustain a successful political career.

Dan Andrews,at home now for weeks,is bored. The only saving grace is that he can watch the US Masters golf tournament uninterrupted.

A photo shared by Daniel Andrews last month when he was moved from ICU.

A photo shared by Daniel Andrews last month when he was moved from ICU. Supplied

If you needed a forensic and well-informed commentator on the relative merits of each professional’s long and short game,then Andrews is your ideal companion.

The Premier may be tempted to rush his return to work. The risk is that it may undermine and prolong his healing and he could suffer the physical consequences for the rest of his days. What really terrifies him is that his golf swing may be compromised. Now that is really serious.

There is zero doubt that he would rather be teeing off against Greg Hunt and Scott Morrison over the delayed vaccine rollout and joining in the indignant chorus from state premiers and health ministers – Liberal and ALP – that they are furious about the Commonwealth’s management of it. The public love a sudden outbreak of bipartisanship – this time,it is at the expense of the PM.

The spin that seems to characterise every waking moment and every utterance from this PM is made worse by muddying of the waters by the bureaucracy. The quaint notion that public servants are independent and neutral,serving whoever makes up the government of the day,has long vanished,but when public health is at stake and the decisions being made are about life and death,then surely the politicians should just get out of the way and let the experts do their jobs.

Andrews’ familiarity with the medical culture and its attendant jargon has served him well through the pandemic.

Andrews’ familiarity with the medical culture and its attendant jargon has served him well through the pandemic.Jason South

As a former health minister,Andrews’ familiarity with the medical culture and its attendant jargon has served him well through the pandemic. He respects the advice of experts – not just doctors. His absence from the national cabinet,and more sharply from the public commentary on the botched vaccine program,is to the advantage of Scott Morrison. No other state leader – nor federal Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese – enjoys the same cut-through and clout. Andrews hits it out of the rough better than anyone,and with Albo in the sand bunker and struggling to get to the green,the Premier is much missed.

Andrews’ response to his own treatment following his emergency is instructive to how he views the medical scene. He understands that the nurses,the paramedics,the hospital clerks and cleaners are all integral to the system’s effectiveness. Might we see a renewed focus and investment in rehabilitation facilities after the Premier’s interaction with them this year?

The rumours of Andrews having some mid-career crisis off the back of this accident seem far-fetched. They are mostly circulated by his internal enemies and the state opposition. The state Liberals’ best chance for a return to relevance lies in the post-Dan era,whenever it occurs. Their mutterings that “Dan has lost the spark” are more wishful thinking than serious intel.

Victorian Opposition Leader Michael O'Brien.

Victorian Opposition Leader Michael O'Brien.Darrian Traynor

Michael O’Brien and his reshuffled shadow ministry would be better off spending their time at the practice range with a bucket of balls,seeking new policy ideas – something that has evaded them until now. The 2022 election cycle is rapidly approaching and any delay will catch them out.

The Premier’s forced rest and absence from the bearpit is that most precious of opportunities for a senior politician – time out and a chance to disconnect,albeit while undergoing physically taxing rehab. Taking regular phone calls from his private office but keeping everything else at bay is as close to resting as Andrews gets. His hands-on centralised control of the pandemic response has been a two-edged sword – it has cemented his standing in opinion polls but also shows how dependent the ALP is on his personal standing.

The Andrews government’s arm wrestle with theHerald Sun will continue after that tabloid’s outrageous intrusion into Police Minister Lisa Neville’s health battles. She lives with Crohn’s disease,and was ordered to take total rest in what turned out to be a forlorn attempt to avoid serious bowel surgery. The newspaper chose to publish a story and photos of the minister in Queensland,implying there was something wrong with her recuperating interstate,even though her doctors advised that getting out of Victoria was the only way to de-stress and switch off.

Police Minister Lisa Neville.

Police Minister Lisa Neville.Penny Stephens

The “scoop” triggered a relapse in her condition and she has successfully undergone surgery this week in Melbourne.

Neville has been one of the most effective ministers in this government. She has handled the water and police portfolios with sure hands,keeping the powerful police union on side. When hotel quarantine went askew,it was Neville who was given the additional responsibilities of putting it back on the rails. Her earlier incarnation in the Bracks/Brumby days as the minster responsible for the child protection chaos is now forgotten. She is popular and respected in this cabinet in equal measure.

The fury in Spring Street over how she was targeted by theHerald Sun has scorched any possible truce with the Murdoch empire. Andrews will not be playing a friendly round with their journalists any time soon.

Jon Faine is a regular columnist.

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Jon Faine is a regular columnist and former ABC Radio Melbourne broadcaster. He is a Vice Chancellor's Fellow at the University of Melbourne.

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