Government'working around the clock'to get stranded Australians home

The federal government is considering non-scheduled flights to remote locations to rescue hundreds of thousands of Australians trapped overseas.

In a joint statement,Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack and Foreign Affairs Minister Marise Payne said the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is"working around the clock” to assist Australians who needed to get home.

Matthew and Gabe Ryan were cycling the length of South America when the coronavirus lockdown trapped them in Peru.

Matthew and Gabe Ryan were cycling the length of South America when the coronavirus lockdown trapped them in Peru.Supplied

The announcement follows DFAT's warning that Australians trapped overseas will be forced to stay where they are for"a longer period until departure can be arranged or border closures are lifted".

“Limited commercial flights are still operating from some countries and cities but we are aware that in many countries they are no longer an option. We urge Australians who do have access to these opportunities to act quickly,"the joint statement said on Wednesday.

The government has agreed to consider supporting airlines in operating non-scheduled services to less central locations to retrieve Australians on a case-by-case basis,the statement said.

"These will only be done where it is feasible,where all other commercial options have been exhausted and where local authorities will permit such flights,” the statement said.

"We do not have plans for assisted departures."

Virgin has confirmed that 90 per cent of domestic flights have been cut and 125 aircraft have been grounded.

Meanwhile,Chimu Adventures says it is at the"mercy of all authorities",and will prioritise flights home for Australians in Lima,Cusco and Buenos Aires.

The company has been in talks with the Peruvian and Australian governments about operating repatriation flights from a military base,which they hope can take place early next week.

"We will have more information on departure times early next week. For travellers on the Buenos Aires flight,it is not at capacity yet,we continue to work on the logistics of this potential flight,"the company said in a statement on Tuesday evening.

"For travellers who have managed to secure flights and have paid Chimu Adventures,these funds will be refunded ... should the operation be cancelled."

A spokesperson from DFAT said it was working with foreign governments and the airline industry to help Australians get home.

DFAT estimates hundreds of thousands of Australians are trapped overseas and has urged them to stay where they are until help arrives.

DFAT estimates hundreds of thousands of Australians are trapped overseas and has urged them to stay where they are until help arrives.Louise Kennerley

"In some cases,it may be necessary for Australians to make arrangements to stay where they are for a longer period until departure can be arranged or border closures are lifted,"the spokesperson said.

DFAT did not respond to questions about how their staff would return to Australia and who would fund the trip.

The Peruvian government is allowing one repatriation flight a day to leave from its military airport. The government has penciled in the Australian flight to leave that country on Friday,but the company is still awaiting final approval from both countries.

Economy tickets on the Peru flights cost $5100 each.

Australian Travis Enright is stuck in Peru and is keen to get home.

Australian Travis Enright is stuck in Peru and is keen to get home.Supplied

Northern Territory tour guide Travis Enright said the price was prohibitive for many of the 300-plus Australians stuck in South America.

"For most of us,we can't afford to spend that type of money,"Mr Enright said."We want to get out very soon,but at those prices,it is a balance between paying an arm and a leg to get out,or staying here and waiting it through. It's really tough for a lot of people."

In its statement,Chimu told Australians in South America in duress to"please contact your local Australian Embassy for any immediate assistance needed".

Sydney clinical psychologist Gabe Matthews,who has been in South America with her husband since last July,said the Australian embassy in Lima closed the day before Peru shut its borders and roads with 24 hours'notice.

When the couple contacted DFAT,they were told"the government has no plans to assist with repatriation”and to try to get home by commercial means.

They are among the hundreds of Australians sheltering across the continent,unable to get to Lima,Cusco or Buenos Aires to board the rescue flight.

Some Australian citizens have been able to board EU mercy flights back to Europe,then on to Sydney.

"My daughter Anika and her friend Lauren managed to access an EU sponsored humanitarian flight from Quito to Amsterdam. Both girls arrived home in Sydney this morning from Dubai,they were very lucky,"said one Sydneysider via email on Wednesday morning.

Australians requiring consular assistance can contact their local embassy,high commission or consulate or call DFAT's Consular Emergency Centre on 1300 555 135 from Australia or +61 6261 3305 from overseas.

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Laura Chung is an environment reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald.

Sally Rawsthorne is a crime reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald.

Anthony Galloway is political correspondent for The Sun-Herald and The Sunday Age.

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