Tame v Porter:the presumption of innocence must apply to all,not only the most loveable among us

Columnist and communications adviser

Christian Porter is not entitled to the presumption of innocence. If he were being tried before a criminal court,he would be. But because the police have determined there was insufficient admissible evidence to take allegations of a historical rape to court,Porter will never face that court,nor be afforded that presumption. Instead,his life is in a limbo,in which he will never be legally convicted,nor ever cleared.

The public was reminded of his impossible situation last week,when the Prime Minister handed Porter the task of temporarily filling in for the Leader of the House of Representatives. Australian of the Year Grace Tame penned a thundering column,in which she called Porter’s transitory role “a proverbial slap in the face of our entire nation”.

Grace Tame took a hard line on Christian Porter.

Grace Tame took a hard line on Christian Porter.Alex Ellinghausen

Tame argues it is “hard to process how an accused rapist … could be offered one of the highest positions of power in the country by none other than our nation’s leader himself”. A survivor of child sexual abuse,Tame contends “it isn’t just Porter’s character that’s in question here,it’s the morality of our current leadership”.

Therefore the question is whether it is moral to expel someone from office on the basis of an untestable accusation. Public opinion is divided on the answer.

On the one hand,the argument is as Tame has articulated it:that someone accused of rape cannot be a “fit and proper” person. On the other hand,as Porter has argued,if he loses his position over something that has not been proven at trial and never can be,“then any person in Australia can lose their career,their job,their life’s work based on nothing more than an accusation that appears in print”. There are good-faith arguments on both sides.

If the issue were simply whether Porter should be in cabinet,it might be easier for his detractors to rely on his character to condemn him. Whatever the truth of the rape allegations,plenty of evidence has emerged that he was a self-important teenager who grew into an entitled man. At university he allowed himself to be called by his famous father’s nickname,a trivial affectation,but if there is a bare-minimum standard of fitness to hold ministerial office,for me he failed at that hurdle.

Instead,the issue is the principle. Whether a certain type of accusation should automatically exclude its object from certain professions,or whether we should on principle reject the assumption of guilt.

The ABC has agreed toadd a note to the story that originally aired the rape allegation,stating that “both parties accept that some readers misinterpreted the article as an accusation of guilt against Mr Porter”,a reading which “is regretted”.

Much as the ABC may regret that misreading,the story crystallised accusation into fact in many people’s minds. Twitter provides numerous examples. Following Tame’s article inThe Sydney Morning Herald andThe Age last week,one tweet said “anyone with half a brain can see that Porter is guilty”. Another simply posted an image of Porter with the words “alleged rapist until proven innocent” emblazoned on it. Tame herself compares the “twice-convicted paedophile” who abused her in a horrific and unforgivable way to the accused Porter.

Bret Walker SC,widely considered one of Australia’s pre-eminent legal minds,isat pains to point out that the concept of the presumption of innocence is relevant in a trial circumstance only,and does not at any point imply that the defendant is actually innocent. “The presumption of innocence,” he says,“involves an open mind about the outcome of a trial but not the magical thinking that says until a person is convicted they were innocent,they should never have been tried”.

However,Walker says,the alternative to the presumption of innocence “leads you to such horrors as the exculpatory trial,where an accused person would have to demonstrate that they are not guilty”.

Our system is based on proving guilt rather than innocence because an individual cannot be expected to muster the resources to clear themselves of all suspicion. Given the historical nature of the accusation against Porter,and the sad fact his accuser is dead,he is left without the ability to exculpate himself. He has compounded his situation by suing the ABC and having the defence documents redacted.

Porter has been shown to have considerable character flaws,among them poor judgment in responding to his invidious situation. But if the question is one of morality and principle,then it is possible to argue that it is as immoral to presume Porter guilty as it is incorrect to presume him innocent.

Principles mean nothing if upholding them only rewards the loveable among us. In our secular society,the presumption of innocence has become an expression of the public understanding of the principle of fairness. And if a principle is worth defending,it is worth defending even when it benefits the least lovely among us. The public benefit is that,in defending them,we are protecting ourselves from potential future injustices.

It is unlikely now that Porter,who once declared he would be prime minister,will ever ascend to that office. But he has taken on a very different high-profile role in Australian culture. He provides us with an opportunity to consider justice in the era of the online lynch mob. There are plenty of other principles which this government can be shown to have flouted;there is no need to attack one that it is right to defend.

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Parnell Palme McGuinness is managing director at campaigns firm Agenda C. She has done work for the Liberal Party and the German Greens.

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