The PM,the phone call between mates,and amateur hour

Associate editor and special writer

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has faced criticism over a phone call to police commissioner Mick Fuller over an ongoing investigation into a member of his cabinet.

Should we feel a bit more than,oh,queasy,at the prospect of an Australian prime minister in political bother personally phoning a state commissioner of police about a fraud investigation into a cabinet minister,and then blustering back into Parliament to declare,in effect,that the commissioner had told him everything was hunky-dory?

Have we become conditioned to such a bleakness in modern politics that we would swallow Scott Morrison’s runaway bulldozer behaviour as a bit unorthodox,but tolerable?

Hold the phone.

Scott Morrison’s call to a state police commissioner in quest of an escape hatch from political frenzy was rather more than unorthodox. It was closer to Trumpian.

Donald Trump,however,is a US President who’s gone rogue and given a bad name to morons.

Morrison is Prime Minister in a Westminster system in a federated nation.

Police forces in Australia are,by doctrine and practice,servants of the Crown but independent of government,a position known as constabulary independence.

Yet sideswiped in Question Time by news that the NSW Police hadset up a strike force to investigate claims against Energy Minister Angus Taylor,Morrison took it upon himself to leave the House of Representatives and call NSW Commissioner of Police Mick Fuller.

The upshot brings to mind the marvellously mythologised words of General Custer as he led his troops to disaster at the Battle of Little Bighorn:“Hurrah,boys! Let’s get these last few reds then head on back to camp.”

Anyone from Morrison’s army of staff could have checked in a blue streak whether the NSW Police had established an investigation into Taylor’s conduct. They wouldn’t have needed to go to the commissioner - there are proper channels for such straightforward inquiries.

Morrison and Fuller,it turns out,once were neighbours in the southern Sydney enclave called “The Shire”. Both had said on radio they were such great mates that Morrison carted Fuller’s garbage bins in from the street. Unsurprisingly Fuller,after this week’s amateur-hour phone call,wanted us to know the bin hauling had never happened and it was a joke.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Energy Minister Angus Taylor face Parliament on Thursday.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Energy Minister Angus Taylor face Parliament on Thursday.Alex Ellinghausen

Old mateship notwithstanding,can anyone recall any prime minister personally phoning a state police commissioner to ask about an active police investigation into a politician,let alone standing in parliament to retail for political purposes the information gleaned from such a call?

As with so much in a time whenfreedom of information has become an oxymoron,we really don’t know the details of the prime minister’s call. No transcript or even notes have been forthcoming.

Morrison is the son of a NSW police inspector. Having lived most of his life in NSW,perhaps he imagined this is how things are done.

Fuller himself has since said it was a very short call and he didn’t tell the PM more than what was in a media release. Whatever it was,Morrison came back to Parliament after his call to declare:"Based on the information provided to me by the commissioner,I consider there is no action required by me."

NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller.

NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller.AAP

So what was the information allegedly provided by Fuller? The commissioner now says Morrison wanted nothing more than confirmation that an investigation had started.

Morrison told Parliament Fuller had told him the nature and substance of the inquiry was based only on allegations referred to the police by Labor’s spokesman on the law,Mark Dreyfus.

As if,somehow,an official allegation from the federal opposition,one sharp enough to spark a state police force to establish a strike force,was nothing at all?

And the bit about “no action required”? The Prime Minister made it sound as if the commissioner had indicated the allegations against Taylor were no more than a frippery;barely worth worrying about in the context of ministerial standards,not worthy of a stand down.

"I take matters of ministerial standards very seriously,"said the Prime Minister,asking the Parliament to take him very seriously.

He is,in fact,required to do so under the Statement of Ministerial Standards,signed by Morrison himself shortly after becoming Prime Minister in August last year.

Clause 7.1 of that statement declares:“Ministers must accept that it is for the Prime Minister to decide whether and when a Minister should stand aside if that Minister becomes the subject of an official investigation of alleged illegal or improper conduct.”

Put another way,it is upon the Prime Minister’s head if he or she decides not to stand down a minister and things go south.

Morrison and his people,reminded how bloody silly this all seemed byno less than the spurned Malcolm Turnbull,naturally plunged into damage-control mode.

Press gallery journalists were privately briefed by overworked spinners about how other prime ministers hadn’t stood down ministers who had been under investigation,and Morrison himself named Julia Gillard (wrongly) and Bill Shorten among them.

Of course. Prime ministers of all stripes,Labor and Coalition,have tried to save their skins,and those of ministers,over the years. And we remember how cynical it often was.

But we don’t remember a prime minister ringing a state police commissioner to get the lowdown on a strike force being established to investigate a minister.

That’s a Scott Morrison original.

Tony Wright is the associate editor and special writer for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

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