Children don't need screens at school - our daughter (mostly) doesn't

"Grade Three! Netbooks this year - how exciting!"exclaims one of the mothers from my daughter's primary school. There is a momentary pause before my daughter informs the other mother:"No,I don't have a netbook."

Confusion crosses the mum's face. This is a common reaction I receive once people learn that I chose not to purchase a netbook for my daughter.

There's evidence that increased screen time for young children is linked to ADHD,anxiety,depression and even psychosis.

There's evidence that increased screen time for young children is linked to ADHD,anxiety,depression and even psychosis.Phil Carrick

Sure,there are times in the classroom when my daughter uses the communal class laptops for testing and general class viewing. But apart from these instances,my husband and I want her to be as screen-free as possible. And this means not having a netbook for individual use. The inevitable questions are fired:won't she miss out on learning? How will she be compensated? Won't she feel excluded?

While I can understand why this may baffle some parents,I explain that we are trying to raise our children as low-tech as possible. We are not hard-core luddites,however,we do think primary school is too young for screen-based learning. At the heart of our concerns is the alarming impact increased screen use is having on our youth:screen addiction,behavioural,developmental and mental health issues are all on the rise. We are certain that a good education is one that needn't rely on screens. Rather,one that relies on the strong engagement between teachers and students.

In Victoria,many primary schools are distributing netbooks to children in Grade 3 at a cost of more than $700 a year,plus apps. Not only is this costly for most families,but the inconvenience of this device - the ongoing maintenance,updating and upgrading required - will be yet another responsibility handballed to parents. It seems to me,given the temperamental nature of computers,their use in the classroom setting is more often inefficient and distractive,rather than educational or progressive.

More alarmingly,there's evidence thatincreased screen time for young children is linked to ADHD,anxiety,depression and even psychosis. Furthermore,the more screen time a child has in early development,the more likely it is to have attention problems later in life. More screen time is also associated with poorer cognitive functioning.

Studies also indicate thatwhile screens can increase interest in learning,actual educational outcomes are modest.

The number of times I've heard parents bemoaning the fact that their child becomes angry - aggressive even - when told to put away their devices. This deeply disturbs me. Given the seriousness of this problem,why are these issues not seen as warning signs?

Curiously,the promotion of screen-based learning for young children promises to:"Prepare them for a digital future - a 21st century adult."But what does this mean? This simplistic view seems to suggest future generations are merely defined by their computer competency.

Given that previous generations are computer proficient despite not having grown up using them,why are we starting our children so young? Sure,it is one skill a child of the future will need,but it's not the only skill. More importantly,what about core values such as empathy,resilience,confidence,leadership skills,creativity and critical thinking? These values cannot be taught over a screen but through face-to-face interactions and role modelling.

For those who argue that our method is unrealistic,I would argue that for us,the list of cons heavily overrides any perceived benefits of screens as an educational tool. For the moment,while my daughter's peers stare away at their screens,she happily chats to the teacher;while they complete work online she receives a print out version;she reads books,draws or writes instead of playing the online games during free time;she hand-writes instead of types. She's engaged,social and learning in a progressive way. I'm completely happy with that. And happy for my children to be screen-free at this stage in their lives.

Diem Vo is a mental health nurse in Melbourne.

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