Every euthanasia bid to be reviewed by panel of eminent Victorians

A panel of eminent Victorians will oversee every application for voluntary euthanasia to ensure that people applying for access to a lethal drug are not"under duress"or being influenced by a psychiatric disorder.

Respected formerSupreme Court Judge Betty King QC,who presided over cases involving Carl Williams and his gangland associates,will be announced on Saturday as the inaugural chair of the voluntary assisted dying review board.

Betty King,pictured in 2016,will chair the review board.

Betty King,pictured in 2016,will chair the review board.Vince Caligiuri

Ms King will be joined by 13 other health and legal experts including intensive care specialist Dr Charlie Corke and media personality Dr Sally Cockburn.

Health Minister Jill Hennessy said the board would have a year to prepare for the arrival of the voluntary euthanasia laws,which will allow some terminally ill Victorians with less than six months to live the right to end their lives.

"They will be looking to ensure that the medical assessments of people have been done correctly and lawfully,"Ms Hennessy said.

"We have very strict regulation around ensuring that people meet some of the threshold illnesses set out in the law.

"That is,that you are in fact suffering from a terminal illness,that you have capacity to make decisions,that you are not suffering from the effects of psychiatric illness that might be affecting your decision,and that there is no evidence of duress."

Health Minister Jill Hennessy.

Health Minister Jill Hennessy.AAP

The review board will also monitor data from voluntary euthanasia cases,seeking to identify anyone trying to evade the law,Ms Hennessy said.

It will have the power to refer to cases to the police,the coroner and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.

Voluntary euthanasia will be legalised in Victoria from June 19 next year,allowing adults who are suffering intolerably and have less than six months to live to access a fatal substance.

Exactly what that substance will be is yet to be decided upon. It's understood the Victorian government is seeking advice from the Therapeutic Goods Administration on whether it's possible to legalise euthanasia drug pentobarbitone (Nembutal) or anaesthetic secobarbital.

Two doctors would have to conduct favourable assessments of a person's eligibility for euthanasia,and a person has to make three separate requests to end their life,after initiating the process themselves. Doctors and other health workers will be able to conscientiously object to participating in euthanasia.

It's been estimated about 150 to 200 Victorians could eventually make use of future euthanasia laws each year.

Ahead of the change,an implementation taskforce has been working furiously to finalise crucial elements of the euthanasia framework,including the best formulation of a lethal medication.

They are also developing training for doctors willing to be involved in euthanasia,clinical guidelines and information to be distributed to the public explaining how the new laws will operate.

The chair of the taskforce,former Victorian Public Advocate lawyer Julian Gardner,said all this work would need to be completed by March.

"The training that is required under the act for the two assessing doctors needs to be out there well in advance so some people can undertake it,"he said.

"So there's a bit of time pressure on."

Ms Hennessy said she continued to receive weekly correspondence from people desperate for voluntary euthanasia to be introduced in Victoria.

"It's a matter of great sadness for me that for many of those cases,this law will not be in effect in time to provide them with the sort of relief they are seeking,"she said.

The inaugural board has been appointed for a six-year term and will review the act after five years.

Aisha Dow is an investigative journalist with The Age. A Walkley award winner,she previously worked as health editor and co-authored a book about the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia.

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