'Every single day I'm worried':Mother's Day on the front line

While many mothers are enjoying a lie-in on Mother’s Day,doctor Ana Nazimuddin will be returning home from night shift and heading straight to meticulously wash before she lays a finger on her son.

The coronavirus pandemic has raised the anxiety levels of most mothers but for front-line workers who risk contracting the virus every day,the worry is tenfold.

Heathcare worker Ana Nazimuddin and two-year-old Arish speak online with her mother Hadijah for Mother’s Day.

Heathcare worker Ana Nazimuddin and two-year-old Arish speak online with her mother Hadijah for Mother’s Day.Joe Armao

Dr Nazimuddin,who works at the Monash Medical Centre in Clayton,changes her clothes and shoes twice after a shift,once at work and once after her shower. She enters her home through the back door so she doesn't risk contaminating the front.

“I work in an emergency department,so it's a very high-risk area,” she said.

“Every single day,I'm worried that I might get COVID.

“And I don't want to bring the infection back home,or any infection back home,because I have a small kid. That's always a constant worry.”

If anyone deserves to be spoilt on Sunday,it’s Dr Nazimuddin.

She will get up in the late afternoon,when she hopes to have a small celebration with her husband,Saiful Nasir,and their son,Arish – a two-year-old with a cheeky smile and mop of curly dark hair – before getting ready to go back to work.

She is disappointed she won’t spend more time with them,but recognises the importance of her work,which includes treating patients who present with the most serious COVID-19 symptoms (she does not know at the time whether they have the virus but has to act as though they do).

“It’s really sad we can’t do a proper[Mother’s Day] this year. I really want to spend time with my son,” she said.

“But I feel like it's my job[to work during the pandemic]. Everyone[at work] is very supportive to each other,so that's the most important thing.”

Dr Nazimuddin hopes to spend some more time with her family on her day off on Monday.

Geelong intensive care paramedic Sasha Clements is also celebrating Mother’s Day on another date.

On Sunday,she'll go to work,where she treats up to four patients a day who present with COVID-19 symptoms.

Intensive care paramedic Sasha Clements and her son Charlie,aged seven.

Intensive care paramedic Sasha Clements and her son Charlie,aged seven.Supplied

Mrs Clements said Mother's Day took on extra meaning in these unusual times as the public’s success at social distancing made her job safer,which in turn helped her family.

“Corona probably has highlighted the importance of Mother's Day and how lucky we are,particularly in Australia,” she said.

“If people keep doing what they're doing,it makes my job a hell of a lot easier.

“I go to work,but at the end of the day,all I want to do is come home and be a mum to my boys.”

Mrs Clements said the pandemic was showing her,more than ever,that people should enjoy the time they have got with their families.

“Because you just never know what's around the corner,” she said.

“That's something that work certainly highlights to me every single day – how quickly it can be taken away from you and just try not to sweat the small stuff.”

Mrs Clements will enjoy breakfast in bed on Saturday,before hanging out with her husband,Michael,and their sons,Flynn,9,and Charlie,7.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian has said no social distancing restrictions will be eased before Mother’s Day.

Senior Constable Sharon Tranter is pleased that she is going to have Sunday off to watch movies and go for a walk with her 14-year-old son Joshua and her partner.

Since social distancing was introduced six weeks ago,the Frankston officer has been enforcing the new laws as well as helping to home school Joshua.

Senior Constable Sharon Tranter with her son Joshua,now 14.

Senior Constable Sharon Tranter with her son Joshua,now 14.Supplied

But just because she polices the regulations,it doesn’t make the new normal any easier.

“As with any shift worker,you just don't have the chance to be there with them if they need anything,” she said.

“It's been a little bit different,because obviously there are regulations you have to stick by and as much as they want to go out … you’re probably more aware of … what people can and can't do.”

Senior Constable Tranter always keeps safety in the front of her mind,but she’s happy to serve her community during the pandemic.

“I’m,in a sense,one of the lucky ones who isn’t stuck at home the whole time,” she said.

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Chloe Booker was a city reporter for The Age.

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