Fraudster Tom Poursanidis fleeced almost $5m from naive,trusting builder

Tom Poursanidis lied for seven years to dupe and exploit a trusting,elderly and naive builder and strip him of almost $5 million of his life savings and hard-won assets.

But when that richly deserved prison cell loomed for his"terrible"conduct,Poursanidis,52,pleaded family hardship as"exceptional circumstances"to try to reduce his sentence.

Tom Poursanidis has been jailed for seven years with a minimum of four years and six months.

Tom Poursanidis has been jailed for seven years with a minimum of four years and six months.

He instructed his barrister to argue that the parlous mental and physical state of his elderly parents would likely deteriorate with his jailing as he was their primary carer.

While prosecutor Damien Hannan sympathised with them,he told a Melbourne County Court judge there was nothing their son had raised that warranted a lesser punishment in law.

On Monday,Judge Irene Lawson agreed,denounced Poursanidis'criminal conduct and described him as a conman who"preyed"on Paul Knight's naivety and trust and who took advantage of his"goodwill to fleece all of his hard-won assets".

Judge Lawson noted the"profound"effect on Mr Knight and his wife and that he had lost forever all his property,including his family home,commercial property and life savings accumulated from work that began in 1961.

She considered medical reports on Poursanidis'parents,accepted they were elderly and in frail health — his father has likely terminal cancer — that their circumstances were"extremely difficult"and it was clear they would experience some hardship from his imprisonment.

Judge Lawson said,however,that while their situation"naturally engenders sympathy",she concluded any hardship was not exceptional,although she took into account as a mitigating factor their health and difficulties.

She jailed Poursanidis — who pleaded guilty to a charge of obtaining a financial advantage by deception,a course-of-conduct count that represented more than 500 payments he received — for seven years with a minimum of 4½ years.

Judge Lawson regarded it as a"very serious example or a very serious offence"that while unsophisticated involved a"degree of cunning".

As he was led from the dock,a man — not Mr Knight — clapped,claimed he was a victim and called to Poursanidis:"Who's laughing now,low life?"

Mr Hannan earlier said Paul Knight started a friendship with the panel beater and assessor,in 1990,which ended when the victim in 2011 met police. It was ultimately revealed that Poursanidis had deceived Mr Knight into paying him $4,929,000 since 2003.

Mr Hannan told the court that Mr Knight agreed to Poursanidis'business offer he pay half the costs and any repairs to buy and sell secondhand cars,an arrangement then and always that was based on lies,false documents and deception.

This also included,he said,a sham plan to sell"top of the line"cars to the Victorian Department of Justice (DOJ) with Poursanidis once showing Mr Knight the front of a warehouse that held hundreds of cars.

Mr Knight was satisfied with a profit from a first transaction,but would periodically ask Poursanidis about his initial investment and"acquiesced"to advice,deposited more money and made periodic payments over many years.

Mr Hannan said Poursanidis"staved off"his victim,who feared he would lose the"vast"amount of money that he had outlayed,and felt he had invested too heavily in the DOJ deal and feared loosing everything if he"backed out".

By November,2009,after Mr Knight had borrowed money from family and friends and sold most of his assets and used all his savings,he was"impecunious and unable to service his debts".

Poursanidis was arrested in 2013,Mr Hannan said,and by then Mr Knight had lost everything.

Defence barrister Christopher Farrington had earlier told the court that his client,who has no criminal history,had"nothing to show"for his"terrible acts",had a"significant"gambling habit from poker machines and had written a letter of apology.

His thee sisters,he said,could not provide the level of support for their parents their brother did,but in sentencing him Judge Lawson noted that it was now necessary for family members and others to share the burden of their care after Poursanidis'jailing,which had"resulted from[his] own wrongdoing".

Steve Butcher is a columnist.

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