'It feels apocalyptic':Melbourne shopping strip retailers hand back keys

It may sound strange,considering her lolly shop is closing because of COVID-19,but Nina Menezes'fellow traders see her as one of the lucky ones.

After eight years in King Street,just off Chapel Street in Prahran,Red Balloon Candy Artisans will close its doors this Friday to become an online-only retailer.

Red Balloon lolly shop owner Pascal Menezes is closing his Prahran store and moving his artisan business online.

Red Balloon lolly shop owner Pascal Menezes is closing his Prahran store and moving his artisan business online.Justin McManus

With their lease up for renewal and rent payments becoming increasingly onerous,Ms Menezes and her husband,Pascal,decided to hand in the keys after corporate and wedding sales collapsed because of the pandemic.

It will mean yet another"for lease"sign on a shop window in a precinct that was once one of Melbourne's glitziest retail hubs.

"In order to keep the business open,we had to close the shopfront,"Ms Menezes said.

"A lot of businesses don't have that luxury,and I call it a luxury in loose terms because it's devastating.

"Our neighbours are saying:'My gosh,I wish we could get out of our lease,we're haemorrhaging money at the moment'."

The pandemic's widespread economic impact is becoming clearer,with national retail spending having dropped by a record 17.9 per cent in April,according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Social distancing has also accelerated an overall trend away from bricks and mortar to online.

While internet shopping has boomed during the lockdown,retailers in suburban strips such as Chapel Street are feeling the pinch.

Chapel Street vacancy rates were already above 15 per cent before COVID-19. But Ms Menezes thinks this downturn could be the end for the street.

"Chapel Street used to be the place you'd go to find the quirkiest shops and businesses,"she said.

"There's just shops closing left,right and centre. It feels apocalyptic in some respects. This is the final nail in the coffin."

At the moment,moving to online makes sense for her business.

The overheads are much lower and social distancing is not a problem. The experience of watching the lollies being made in-store can be recreated on Instagram and Facebook.

What is lost is the opportunity of a new customer discovering the shop while walking down the footpath.

"It's never going to be the same,"Ms Menezes said.

Despite the gloomy mood,Chapel Street Precinct Association general manager Chrissie Maus said she had optimsm that there was blue sky ahead.

"We will need to change consumer habits back and this will take time,but Chapel Street will prevail,"she said.

Across town in High Street,Northcote,Brown and Bunting Booksellers is closing its doors after 11 years.

Owner Benita Bunting,also president of the Northcote Business Association,said the plan was to reopen nearby in a smaller location on a side street.

Documenting one day in Melbourne during the coronavirus pandemic. See the city in hibernation as it was on April 15.

The experience of browsing for a book in a store,rather than buying one with the click of a button,was still an important selling tool,she said.

"It's all very well saying jump online. You can already get books online,why would we do that too?"

Ms Bunting said the mood in High Street had lifted in recent weeks as social distancing restrictions were eased.

"A lot of people were thinking a couple of weeks ago that they wanted to get out,"she said.

Ms Bunting said landlords and councils needed to help out traders or inner-city strips would lose what gave them their cultural appeal.

"We've improved the place and raised the value of the buildings;now we're not getting anything for it,"she said.

"I think it will be OK,but we're at the mercy of real estate."

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Tom Cowie is a senior journalist in The Age's city team.

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