'Larrikin'pleads guilty over pool game that ended in assault

A former private schoolboy with a"larrikin charm"and an alcohol-fuelled temper faces possible jail for seriously injuring an opponent in an eye with a cue during a pool game at a bayside pub.

When Alexander Greatorex missed potting the black ball to win the game in the Sandringham Hotel,the victim laughed and said he thought Greatorex would"choke".

Alexander Greatorex"behaved like a spoilt little child in a petulant reaction to not sinking the black ball".

Alexander Greatorex "behaved like a spoilt little child in a petulant reaction to not sinking the black ball".Domino Postiglione

Melbourne's County Court heard on Tuesday that when the victim rose to take the cue for his shot from Greatorex,he"suddenly"held it with both hands,raised it above his shoulder and struck him to his left eye with its butt.

Prosecutor Catherine Parkes said that the victim later recalled that Greatorex"hit me as hard as he could",the blow forcing him backwards into a glass wall.

Ms Parkes said the victim sustained severe pain and bleeding and was operated on at hospital to repair fractures to the orbit of the eye,that required a titanium plate,and one side of his nose.

Defence barrister Philip Dunn,QC,said Greatorex had without thinking"lost his temper in that split second"and"behaved like a spoilt little child in a petulant reaction to not sinking the black ball".

Mr Dunn told judge Rachelle Lewitan – who noted a psychologist had reported that Greatorex had twice previously appeared in court for assaults while"heavily intoxicated with alcohol"– that his client now realised"he can't live his life like this".

Greatorex,26,of Hampton,pleaded guilty to a charge of recklessly causing serious injury about 8pm on October 4 last year.

Ms Parkes said Greatorex and a friend had asked the victim and his friend if they wanted a game and later a witness stated that"everyone had been giving everyone a bit of light-hearted banter"during the close game.

The victim,who was"tipsy"after six standard drinks,said in his victim impact statement,read by Ms Parkes,that he had been assaulted without provocation,was now very shaken and lacked confidence and had lost $4000 in wages.

In his plea,Mr Dunn conceded that the victim could have lost his eye,that what he described as a"jab"to where the bone was"very thin",was assessed by a doctor as requiring moderate force to cause the injury.

Mr Dunn said for that split second"absolutely stupid"decision,Greatorex,a former Brighton Grammar student who was supported in court by his parents and two sisters,had"placed his life right on the skids".

Character witness and barrister Antony Trood said in evidence that Greatorex,now alcohol abstinent,had a number of"very good qualities"that included loyalty,generosity and an ability to relate to people irrespective of their background.

He also regarded him as having a"larrikin charm"and that once he"matures properly"he had good leadership skills.

In her sentencing submissions,Ms Parkes noted that the offence was unprovoked and committed on a stranger with a weapon in a public place that warranted an immediate jail term,with or without a combined community corrections order (CCO).

Judge Lewitan bailed Greatorex to be assessed for a CCO and to be sentenced at a date to be fixed.

Steve Butcher is a columnist.

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