Old convictions for minor crimes to be wiped from the records

Victorians who have historical minor criminal records will be able to have them removed after the state government committed to introducing a spent convictions scheme.

Victoria is the only state without the law,meaning historical crimes show up in police checks forever even if no crime has been committed since.

Victorian Attorney-General Jill Hennessy.

Victorian Attorney-General Jill Hennessy.AAP

Attorney-General Jill Hennessy said the Andrews government will implement the scheme so an individual's historical criminal record will no longer show up after a set period of time if they don't reoffend.

It doesn't apply to certain convictions,including sexual or violent offending.

“This change will bring Victoria in line with other jurisdictions and recognises that historical convictions for eligible crimes should not stop people from accessing jobs,training and housing,"Ms Hennessy said.

“People who have committed eligible offences,who have worked hard to turn their lives around,deserve the opportunity to reach their full potential.”

The scheme won't stop police and courts from having access to someone's full criminal history. Certain employers in trusted professions – those that work with children and sensitive government roles – will still have access to complete criminal records.

The commitment is part of the Labor government’s response to recommendations of the Legislative Council Legal and Social Issues Committee’sInquiry into a Legislated Spent Convictions Scheme,which was tabled in Parliament on Thursday.

The Law Institute of Victoria,which has campaigned for the scheme,welcomed the news and said it would support the rehabilitation of those with minor convictions.

“If a person has been of good character and not reoffended for a period of up to 10 years,it is only fair that they should be able to get on with the lives without having to disclose old offences every time they apply for a job or volunteer role,” said the institute's president,Sam Pandya.

"The law reform recognised that people can be rehabilitated,and should be able to seek employment,apply for housing and volunteer their time without old convictions coming back to haunt them,"he said.

He noted young and Indigenous Victorians in particular have been subject to discrimination.

"These groups are disproportionately represented in the criminal justice system. They are appearing for often minor offences such as possession of cannabis,shoplifting or using a concession myki card without a concession card,which is considered to be fraud,"he said.

Dan Nicholson,executive director of criminal law services at Victoria Legal Aid,also welcomed the commitment and said they will work with the government to design the scheme.

"Being able to get a job and participating in community life is an important step in helping people to reintegrate and feel valued in their daily lives,and often a conviction from many years ago prevents this from happening,"he said.

"Currently convictions for offences like theft or minor property damage cast an unreasonably long shadow over the lives of people who are no longer offending."

The chair of the parliamentary inquiry into the proposed bill,Reason Party MP Fiona Patten,cautiously welcomed the announcement but remained concerned about details in relation to Aboriginal Victorians.

Victorian upper house MP Fiona Patten was the chair of the parliamentary inquiry into a spent convictions scheme.

Victorian upper house MP Fiona Patten was the chair of the parliamentary inquiry into a spent convictions scheme.James Brickwood

"I am pleased that that the government has supported all of the recommendations of the committee in principle,but there is some troubling devil in the detail,"she said.

“The response ignores key recommendations of the committee,particularly around Aboriginal Victorians. There must be an application process for individuals who did not meet automatic eligibility requirements.”

“Right now,Aboriginal people are disadvantaged by criminal record schemes generally,but also in relation to kinship care applications,where irrelevant convictions can mean that Aboriginal children aren't able to be placed with grandparents or family.”

She said if the government is serious about treaty and self recognition,then they should not ignore this recommendation.

"Every other jurisdiction in Australia has had spent convictions scheme,some states for over 30 years. This is an opportunity for Victoria to learn from world's best practice and introduce a modern,best practice scheme,"she said.

"It would a missed opportunity if we just fall in behind the arbitrary lines that have been drawn elsewhere in the country.”

Tammy Mills is the legal affairs reporter for The Age.

Simone Fox Koob is an investigative reporter for The Age. Before that she was a crime and justice reporter,and has previously covered breaking news.

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