‘You don’t expect horse meat’:Victorian investigators probe mysterious dog deaths

Victorian authorities are investigating whether contaminated horse meat,which was sold to pet owners as beef,was responsible for the deaths of 22 dogs and the hospitalisation of a further 44.

In a joint statement released late on Friday afternoon,the regulator,PrimeSafe,and Agriculture Victoria said tests had confirmed pet meat sourced from Maffra District Knackery contained a toxin in native plants called indospicine.

Maggie the German Shepherd became seriously ill after eating pet food from Maffra knackery

Maggie the German Shepherd became seriously ill after eating pet food from Maffra knackeryAndrew Lawrence

Acluster of dogs throughout Bairnsdale,Traralgon,Mornington Peninsula and the eastern suburbs of Melbourne developed severe liver disease after eating the contaminated meat.

It’s believed the toxin was ingested by horses in the Northern Territory before they were transported to the Gippsland knackery and butchered for pet meat.

“Horse meat is emerging as the focus of the investigation into the indospicine toxin found in pet meat products,” the statement said.

Authorities have urged dog owners to steer clear of all pet meat sourced from Maffra District Knackery between May 31 and July 3.

“All kinds of pet meat fitting that description should be considered at risk of indospicine contamination,due to the blending of pet meats,including products described as beef and kangaroo pet meat.”

The knackery issued a voluntary recall of the meat earlier this month,nine days after a request from PrimeSafe. Maffra District Knackery also trades as Backmans Meats and Backmans Greyhound Supplies,and its raw meat is sold in pet shops across Victoria.

Authorities said the contaminated meat might still be in circulation. They warned that the meat might have been processed into a variety of products following distribution,“making identification of all affected pet foods difficult”.

Andrew Lawrence,whose German shepherd became seriously ill after eating meat from the knackery,said he would never have purchased the pet food if he had known it contained horse meat.

“We were paying for premium beef,” he said. “We thought we were getting chunks of beef,you don’t expect chunks of horse meat mixed up in it.”

The Gippsland resident,who lives in Glengarry West,has spent $5000 on veterinary fees for his dog,Maggie,who was diagnosed with acute liver disease after eating the meat.

She was hospitalised for five days after she stopped eating,became jaundiced,lethargic and excessively thirsty. It’s likely she will require long-term medication.

“There is a chance that this has done permanent damage and she will never recover,” Mr Lawrence said. “We are hoping that’s not the case.”

In a statement posted on Facebook,Maffra District Knackery co-owner Karen Backman said she was devastated to hear that the toxin had been found in her pet meat.

“We are still totally shocked that toxins in animals we were told were originally bred for human consumption could harm dogs,” she said. “This has never happened before as far as we are aware. It has totally taken us by surprise. We had never even heard of the interstate toxin before.”

She said the knackery purchased station-bred horses from northern Victoria and recently discovered these animals might have originated from interstate and contained the toxin.

She said the knackery had now implemented a “Victorian animals only” requirement,and changed its manufacturing processes.

“Our pet foods are safe,” she said. “Our hearts go out to all those families and pets that suffered from the effects of the interstate toxin. This is the worst thing that could have happened – and we could not have been prepared –its just awful – it’s never happened before,we are making sure it will never happen again.”

The toxin can build up in animals as they graze and is then passed onto dogs when they eat their meat. Dogs are particularly sensitive to the toxin.

There have been no previous reports of indospicine toxicity in Victoria but it has been detected in northern Australia,where dogs have died after eating contaminated camel meat.

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Henrietta Cook is a senior reporter covering health for The Age. Henrietta joined The Age in 2012 and has previously covered state politics,education and consumer affairs.

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