'We are in the reckoning':how Black Lives Matter has changed the Voice campaign

At the beginning of this year,Indigenous lawyer and activist Teela Reid penned an essay for theGriffith Review in which she suggested Australia was"ready for reckoning,not reconciliation".

Reconciliation,she wrote,was useful for Australia's institutions and politicians,but limited in redressing the systemic racism still faced by Aboriginal people. Reckoning,on the other hand,"requires everyday folks to bring about bold change".

"We are in the reckoning,"says Indigenous lawyer and activist Teela Reid.

"We are in the reckoning," says Indigenous lawyer and activist Teela Reid.Janie Barrett

It proved a prophetic piece. Little did Reid know that a few months later the Black Lives Matter movement would be galvanised again by the senseless killing of a black man in police custody in the United States,this time with a global echo.

"We are in the reckoning,"Reid,34,says now."We can't sit back and just talk about it,we've got to take action and make it happen. The politicians won't do it – we have to lead them there."

This gets to the crux of a cleavage that has only sharpened as a result of recent events:between those who are committed to working within the government's established parameters for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament and those who believe they can go further by appealing to the ultimate authority of the people.

It is partly a generational shift. Younger Indigenous activists and leaders are speaking up,and drawing a line between themselves and the old guard.

Dean Parkin,a 39-year-old former investment analyst,now directs From the Heart – a campaign to galvanise public support for a constitutionally-enshrined Voice. It is run by Noel Pearson's Cape York Institute and has the backing of Liberal-aligned campaign strategists Crosby Textor. By happenstancethe campaign was launched the same day George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis.

Parkin shares Reid's sense of being inside a pivotal moment."It's actually a really heavy time,"he says."But what it has done is it has elevated the issues that we've been talking about for many,many years. It has brought them to the fore. We as a nation can't ignore these issues now."

Those issues take in decades-old debates about the policing of Indigenous communities,the racism Aboriginal people face in the criminal justice system and the over-representation of First Nations people in prison (and deaths in prison). Those debates must also deal with some harsh realities,including substance misuse and shockingly high rates of domestic violence in many Indigenous communities.

Last week former prime minister Tony Abbott,recently awarded Australia's highest civilian honour in part for his contribution to Indigenous affairs,toldThe Sun-Herald:"The higher Indigenous incarceration rate is a function of the higher Indigenous offending rate."He went on to say there was no evidence that courts were more likely to send Aboriginal people to jail.

What the comments neglected,however,was the strong body of evidence about how Indigenous people are policed and treated in court. Two weeks ago,Guardian Australia reported on data from the NSW crime statistics agency that showed police pursued 82.55 per cent of Indigenous people caught with small amounts of cannabis through the court system,compared to 52.29 per cent of non-Indigenous people.

'It's not from a lack of leadership from our mob;we've done the hard work.'

Indigenous lawyer and activist Teela Reid

The data also showed police were four times more likely to let non-Indigenous people off with a caution. Professor Thalia Anthony,an expert in Indigenous people and the law at the University of Technology Sydney,says numerous studies have shown that's just the tip of the iceberg.

"Police use charges and arrests as opposed to diversion more for First Nations people,"she says."The propensity for courts to deny bail at greater rates for First Nations people than non-First Nations people also shows that Indigenous people have a disadvantage before the courts."

Reid,a practising defence lawyer,has seen racism first-hand. A judicial officer once mistook her for the defendant,and a client sitting in a jail cell told her they didn't want an Aboriginal lawyer.

Her solution,outlined in the Herald this month,is the Walama Court,which she describes as a hybrid of the Drug Court and the Youth Koori Court. It would give offenders who have pleaded guilty or been convicted by the District Court the opportunity to"tell their story"to elders before sentencing.

The sentencing options are the same,including jail,but the aim is to return Aboriginal people to their communities to reconnect with their cultural identity,rather than sit in a cell. It's not a"soft option",Reid says,but puts"an even a higher onus"on an offender to turn their life around.

Anthony has backed the Walama Court,saying itwould help remedy biases in pre-sentencing processes that are"more likely to draw adverse conclusions for Aboriginal people".

Whether it's the courts or the corridors of Canberra,Reid's emphasis is on the need for structural change. The Voice to Parliament would create a new structure to represent the interests of First Nations people,and senior Indigenous leaders Marcia Langton and Tom Calma are now working with the government to co-design the institution.

But Reid says there is"momentum growing"for more. She is among the many activists who believe a referendum to enshrine the Voice in the constitution should be a prerequisite,not a possible add-on. She is dismissive of compromise and unafraid of failure.

"There is always someone saying,'What if a referendum fails?'"Reid says."I'm like,'Mate,what if it wins?'The only reason it will fail is if politicians set it up to fail. It's not from a lack of leadership from our mob;we've done the hard work."

"I think'now or never'is a little bit too absolutist":Dean Parkin,director of From the Heart.

"I think 'now or never' is a little bit too absolutist":Dean Parkin,director of From the Heart.Brian Cassey

She is critical of the Indigenous leaders who have bought into the co-design process."The elites who have made a career out of selling our mob short need a dose of reality. We're not copping the compromise that generation stood for. Ever."

Parkin,the From the Heart leader,is more circumspect but agrees that leaders need to shift their thinking. Constitutional enshrinement is"non-negotiable component",he says. He also believes a symbolic proposal to recognise Aboriginal people in the constitution,as the government plans,has"no chance"of succeeding.

"We need to sharpen the minds of those leading these process that there's no option:symbolism will fail,"Parkin says. He also points out Scott Morrison left the door open to enshrining the Voice in the constitution in his Closing the Gap speech in February.

Parkin says the pandemic and the Black Lives Matter protests have put a fresh focus on fairness and structural inequality:it is top of mind. The official unemployment rate eclipsed 7 per cent last week,but as Parkin points out,for Indigenous Australians,"we haven't seen unemployment dip below 16 per cent in the last 14 years".

The inequality explains the poorer health outcomes and the higher incarceration rates,he says."We are not an innately criminal people ... I think every fair-minded Australian would agree with that."

The question now is whether this unique moment in history will translate into sustained support – demand,even – among other Australians for the sort of structural change Parkin and Reid want,and how ambitious the movement should be in pursuing that goal.

"I get the impression that now is a very important time for us to move forward,"Parkin says.

"I think'now or never'is a little bit too absolutist. If you look at our history of activism and advocacy in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander affairs,it goes through waves. It goes through really tough times when people aren't listening.

"People look at this time now and say:it's really tricky,it's tough,it's a challenging time,but at the same time it has brought these issue to the fore. And it's really important we keep them there."

Michael Koziol is Sydney Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald,based in our Sydney newsroom. He was previously deputy editor of The Sun-Herald and a federal political reporter in Canberra.

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