Battle for Broadway II:Developer thwarts Nedlands’ block attempt

The City of Nedlands has tried to reject an apartment proposal for being out of character,despite it being designed by the same architects commissioned to do a study defining the local character.

Rezoning of the “Broadway Precinct” in Nedlands to densify population around the University of Western Australia and QEII medical precinct has resulted in a rush of six-storey apartment proposals.

The proposed development at 87-89 Broadway,Nedlands,was approved on Wednesday subject to conditions.

The proposed development at 87-89 Broadway,Nedlands,was approved on Wednesday subject to conditions.Artist’s render

The city has since hired prominent global architecture firm Hassell to do modelling work to define the precinct’s “desired future character” and further refine planning controls to lessen impacts these proposals would have on existing single family homes.

Such impacts reared their heads regarding the latest development,worth $13 million,where of 41 of the 44 public submissions received objected,saying it was too bulky,badly designed,and overshadowed neighbours.

The neighbour to the south is particularly affected,being boxed in by another six-storey mid-rise on its other side.

Given Hassell did the architectural design for the owners of the latest site,the city took the unusual step of hiring an outside planning firm to stand in for its own officers to assess the proposal,worried residents would cry conflict of interest.

The outside firm determined the development honoured Broadway’s “desired future character” and advised the council to recommend the area’s planning panel approve it.

This agreed with architects the city consulted before the proposal was lodged,who had said the design was good,showed sensitivity to neighbours and local character,and used elements such as site slope,landscaping and building design to reduce impacts.

But the council went against both consultants to recommend rejection,citing problems including adverse impacts on “desired future character”.

“Overshadowing almost throughout the day on the neighbours’ solar panels is extreme,” deputy mayor Leo McManus said.

“The proposed bulk and scale of this proposed development needs to be looked at again ... we owe it to all our residents to consider their interests.”

Altus,the outside firm hired to assess the proposal,had praised the way the building cut into the slope to present as smaller to neighbours. They wrote that while there were some privacy issues for some second-floor apartments,this could be resolved with screening,placement and depth of balcony planter boxes,and landscaping could address concerns over the southern boundary.

They did not support objections about the neighbour’s solar panels,which they discussed in detail.

Gresley Abas Architects design leader Jonathan Lake,hired to assess the proposal pre-lodgment,said this was the kind of proposal design reviewers looked for.

“This is a serious commitment to getting a good quality design outcome,” he said.

“It does have some overlooking issues but it also has a responsibility to Broadway to create a strong and welcoming kind of address to what is a very important street.”

He said the building scale was a direct result of the zoning.

Hassell associate Alex Jones said this zoning would enliven the “challenged” western side of a streetscape currently lacking quality buildings.

“The building confidently addresses Broadway with a cohesive,two-storey interface that is constructed from a palette of earthy materials chosen to blend,” he said.

“[It] is cleverly articulated to reduce its perceived bulk and scale ... is contemporary,restrained,sophisticated and empathetic to its place on Broadway where the emerging character meets the existing.”

Rezonings have prompted development.

Rezonings have prompted development.Google

Nedlands councillor Fergus Bennett said the development was well designed but didn’t “quite” respect existing character.

“We’re still not sure what the future character actually will be defined as and the council is doing an extensive amount of work and spent a lot of money to do studies to define this and in actual fact it is fairly close to approval,” he said.

“It’s very disappointing that all of these development applications along Broadway are going to be approved before all of this extensive work is done which basically makes this extensive work almost a waste of time,because the horse has already bolted.”

The panel voted to approve,subject to additional conditions including that trees were planted along the rear boundary to soften impact on the neighbours.

City of Nedlands acting chief executive Jim Duff said Hassell was a large,respected organisation with a sound reputation for quality and integrity and the City had confidence Hassell’s knowledge and experience qualified it well to undertake the character study including built form modelling.

“On completion,the report from the study being undertaken by Hassell will be carefully assessed and critiqued by the City,” he said.

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    Emma Young is a producer,sub-editor and journalist with WAtoday. She is the winner of nine WA Media Awards and the author of two novels published in 2021 and 2023 by Fremantle Press.

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