It's official:There is not enough play-based learning in WA classrooms,and children are suffering

Teachers will today launch a campaign to fight increasing pressures on Western Australia's youngest students,arguing children currently experience too much emphasis on formal assessments and spend too much time sitting at their desks.

They are calling on the WA State Government to"act immediately and decisively"to secure play-based learning practice in the early years of schooling.

The State School Teacher’s Union of WA commissioned research from Murdoch University early childhood teaching expert Sandra Hesterman to examine the implications of play-based learning and its impacts on school students.

Dr Hesterman’s new research,to be released on Monday,found more than 70 per cent of teachers surveyed experienced difficulties in implementing a play-based curriculum in WA classrooms.

The rush for academic achievement earlier,a focus on NAPLAN scores in school administrations and disregard for best practice in terms of teaching during the early years were common complaints amongstWA teachers who spoke out about the issue in a series of stories published last year by WAtoday.

Dr Hesterman's new research backed her previous warnings that more structured learning in early years school classrooms,especially in pre-primary,could be developmentally inappropriate and dangerous.

SSTU president Pat Byrne said members were also concerned the setting of premature targets in early learning years was having a negative effect on children.

Too much emphasis was being placed on formal assessments for children at a very young age,she said,and the consequence was to limit the extent of play-based learning in kindergarten to year three classrooms.

“Teachers are under increasing pressure to meet assessment outcomes dictated from above by people who do not work with young children,” Ms Byrne warned.

“The biggest issue we have is many people see play-based learning as ‘just play’,but this is not the case. Play-based learning is when the teacher sets up an environment with a range of activities that spark open-ended inquiry experiences and allow the child to explore what interests them,with the teacher playing a supporting role in facilitating learning when required.

“Our members and early childhood advocates have cited a decline in child-initiated and self-directed play in recent years from kindergarten,pre-primary and year 1 and 2 classrooms as a result of an increasing tendency towards more formalised learning at earlier stages.”

The union's Play Is Learning campaign calls for a state-wide play strategy which outlines the benefits of play-based learning and promotes a balanced approach between play and teacher-led explicit instruction.

More than 600 teachers took part in Dr Hesterman's new study.

The study found teachers believed curriculum expectations were far too great for younger children,and they were not given the opportunity to discover,create,interact and gain confidence when they were being inundated with an overloaded curriculum.

More than 80 per cent of teachers said they wanted more play-based learning in WA classrooms.

More than 70 per cent said there were barriers to implementing play-based learning in their classrooms.

Children are not as enthusiastic and are withdrawn from their learning...children develop anxiety

Teacher asked about consequences of lack of play-based learning

Assessment expectations at their school influenced the amount of play in the classroom,70 per cent said.

And 78 per cent said NAPLAN had a significant impact on the level of play-based learning young children were offered.

Dr Hesterman said implementing play programs in schools required the support of school leadership,however the study found many principals and school leaders did not provide adequate support.

Dr Hesterman's research confirmed earlier complaints from teachers who understood the importance of play-based learning that some principals were unsupportive.

Dr Sandra Hesterman sends her student teachers out to schools to learn best practice,but many come back without being able to see a play-based lesson in action.

Dr Sandra Hesterman sends her student teachers out to schools to learn best practice,but many come back without being able to see a play-based lesson in action.Early Childhood Australia

The study found a disconnect between best practice in early years teaching and the beliefs of school principals.

When principals were asked if there should be more explicit teaching in classrooms 55 per cent answered ‘yes’. In contrast,85 per cent of early years teachers said ‘no’.

Teachers surveyed described children in classrooms where there was a lack of play-based learning as passive,robotic,fidgety and restless. They became bored,anxious,distracted and disengaged.

Dr Hesterman's study,A Report on the State of Play-based Learning in Western Australian Schools,found behavioural problems often arose as developmentally innapropriate teaching methods were used,leaving children feeling unhappy and disconnected.

"Children were said to be'overwhelmed'and sometimes'tearful'when required to complete classroom tasks before they were ready to,"the study said.

Dr Hesterman said a crucial observation made by respondents was that play was not a mandated requirement in the early years. The quality of play-based learning in WA schools was variable.

She said the government must act immediately to secure children's rights to play-based learning and must review education models implemented in Scandanavian countries with the aim of facilitating child-centred programs.

The department must provide clear directives to schools to implement age-appropriate currciulum with a stronger focus on play and require all primary school principals and teachers without early years qualifications to undertake professional learning.

"The report voices the concerns of 430 early childhood teachers who have expressed an urgency for the government to remove the barriers that prevent them implementing play-based learning in their early years classrooms,"Dr Hesterman said.

More than 8000 citizens and 150 organisations have endorsed Dr Hesterman's Play is Learning campaign.

"Young Western Australians are our most precious resource,"she said in the report.

"We can do no less than demand excellence and equity in the provision of play-based learning at their schools on their behalf."

Daile Cross is the Editor of WAtoday.

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