Lockdowns less likely,but possible until WA reaches 90 per cent vaccination target

WA Premier Mark McGowan says it’s unlikely,but possible,his government will enforce lockdowns if COVID-19 enters the state before the 90 per cent vaccination target is reached.

WA and Tasmania are the only two Australian states which will remain shut off from the virus until the target is reached,with other states following the national plan which allows for reopening from 80 per cent with minimal restrictions.

WA Premier Mark McGowan.

WA Premier Mark McGowan.Hamish Hastie

Mr McGowan said the decision to lockdown the state would depend on the circumstances of an outbreak.

“Lockdown is obviously increasingly a last resort as we get our vaccination rates up ... the key to avoiding lockdowns is high levels of vaccinations,” he said.

“We’ve had 12 days of lockdown since last April,one of the lowest rates of lockdown anywhere in the world and that’s led to outstanding health and economic outcomes here.

“It’s a measure that would be a last resort but you keep it up your sleeve as you track to those very high levels of vaccination so we don’t have a mass outbreak,and what’s occurring now in Europe,but I’m very hopeful and very confident that we won’t need to do it.”

The state government will set a date for WA’s reopening once vaccination levels reach 80 per cent,which will likely occur in early December.

I’ve never spoken to Greg Hunt,I wouldn’t know him if I met him

Premier Mark McGowan

The borders are expected to be lifted around late January or early February.

Mr McGowan rubbished claims made by the Federal Health Minister on Sunday that he understood WA was planning to open its borders by mid-January to coincide with hosting the fifth Ashes test.

“I’ve never met Greg Hunt,I’ve never spoken to Greg Hunt,I wouldn’t know him if I met him. He’s got a very vivid imagination ... I just urge the Commonwealth Government to stop making things up,” he said.

“I don’t know why he would think that,he has no basis to say that,the Commonwealth has been difficult the whole way along the last two years.”

It follows Mr Hunt telling ABC’s Insider program he would like to see WA open sooner.

“But we are hearing that they are considering bringing that forward to at least ... well,coincidently,to time with the cricket. We’ll let them determine it,” he said.

Mr McGowan said since the pandemic began,WA had only had one person die after acquiring the virus locally. The other eight deaths were in people who acquired COVID-19 interstate or overseas.

Around 10,000 school leavers are expected to travel to Dunsborough in the coming days,with every teen requiring to have had at least one jab to be able to attend the week’s events.

Since the vaccine mandate was announced six weeks ago,only around a quarter have been vaccinated.

Heather McNeill is the deputy editor and chief reporter at WAtoday.

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