‘No criminality’ involved in deaths at Nedlands aged care home:police

A police investigation into allegations of abuse at a Nedlands aged care home following the deaths of two men has uncovered no evidence of criminality.

Officers launched a probe into Regis Nedlands last week amid claims of rough handling,aggressive staff,sexually inappropriate behaviour,and understaffing resulting in people not being bathed.

Dik Lee,94,died in hospital on last week.

Dik Lee,94,died in hospital on last week.Nine News Perth

But a WA Police spokeswoman said on Friday no proof of criminal behaviour had been found by investigators and police would prepare a report for the coroner over the men’s deaths.

“The family members of the involved residents,facility management and Commission of Aged Care Quality and Safety have been advised,” she said.

Dik Lee,94,died just before 8am on Thursday last week after being in a coma for five days at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital.

Mr Lee,who had dementia,was admitted to hospital within days of university students on work experience at Regis Nedlands claiming they witnessed the great-grandfather being dragged along the floor and wrenched up while a staffer stood on his toes.

Doctors told Mr Lee’s family he had lost all feeling in one of his feet,was badly dehydrated,and may not have been receiving his diabetes and blood pressure medication.

An 86-year-old man also died in hospital on Wednesday last week after allegedly being found unconscious and severely burnt after going missing in extreme heat a month ago.

A visit to the nursing home by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission on January 20 allegedly found there was a severe risk to the health,safety or wellbeing of the elderly people living there.

The commission found non-compliance against eight requirements across three of the Aged Care Quality Standards,in relation to the management of pain,wounds,falls,challenging behaviours and allegations of sexual assaults and rough handling.

Employees must now undertake training in the provision of safe and effective clinical and personal care with a focus on the areas of concern including elder abuse and behaviour management.

“A further requirement under the commission’s regulatory enforcement action is for the approved provider to demonstrate accountability for remedying the issues identified as quickly as possible,” Commissioner Janet Anderson said.

“This involves weekly meetings with commission staff and the provision of detailed written reports of progress being made in returning the service to compliance with the Aged Care Quality Standards.”

with Daile Cross

Marta Pascual Juanola is a crime reporter at The Age.

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