'Overwhelming and daunting':How the 2017 Kaless complaint unfolded

The woman who lodged a complaint against former WA Labor media adviser Stephen Kaless after an incident at a 2017 Christmas function got an apology six months after the incident.

The woman also pulled out of the formal complaints process,describing it as"overwhelming and daunting".

Stephen Kaless

Stephen KalessFacebook

On Monday it was revealedMr Kaless was suspended and subsequently resigned from his role as Treasurer Ben Wyatt's chief spin doctor after"inappropriate physical conduct"toward a female colleague at a Christmas function on December 13.

In the earlier incident,Mr Kaless was forced to write an apology letter to the woman about his conduct at the December 14,2017 end-of-year Christmas media function at West Leederville's Nowhereman Brewing Co.

A third party raised the incident with Mr Kaless'employer the Department of Premier and Cabinet,which then contacted the woman.

In email exchanges between the woman and the DPC over five months seen byWAtoday,the woman first received a letter from Director General Darren Foster on January 25,2018,which acknowledged the incident and described it as"unacceptable and against the[DPC's] Code of Conduct".

In the letter,Mr Foster said it was his intention to issue Mr Kaless with a"formal reprimand"and he apologised to the woman on behalf of the DPC.

The woman was also offered counselling services.

After a meeting with DPC staff,the woman said she wanted to begin a formal complaint process in March. A staff member responded by saying she would seek the Director General’s approval to start the process.

The staff member then outlined how the process would work,which included writing what happened at the function. Mr Kaless would then have the opportunity to respond to those claims and an investigator would be appointed to assess the case.

In April,the woman withdrew from the official complaint process,asking for a"heartfelt"apology from Mr Kaless instead.

It may not have been a surprise to you,but it was a surprise to me

WA Treasurer Ben Wyatt

“I agreed to go with a formal complaint but I would like to withdraw it and pick the informal option,” she told another DPC staff member.

“I'm sorry about this – it was all so overwhelming and daunting,all I really want is a written apology. I was upset and terrified and I just want a heartfelt sorry.”

A month later,the woman received a three-line apology from Mr Kaless.

“On 14 December 2017 we both attended an end of year Christmas function. I was subsequently informed that my actions on the night caused you discomfort and distress,"the apology said.

"I greatly regret causing you any distress,as it was not my intention,and I ask you to accept my unreserved apology.”

The spokesman said it could not comment in detail on personnel matters but it took allegations of misconduct very seriously and confirmed it offered counselling and advice as to her options,which included a full investigation.

"The journalist decided,after some time,not to proceed. The department complied with the journalist’s wishes and as a result,there was no formal investigation against the ministerial officer,"he said.

The spokesman said based on the information available from initial inquiries,Mr Foster reprimanded Mr Kaless and noted that any further poor behaviour may result in his termination.

"The journalist indicated she was satisfied with the support and assistance provided by the department,"he said.

The spokesman did not reveal any more details about what Mr Kaless'formal reprimand involved,and why he was allowed to continue his employment.

Government maintains 2017 complaint was'dealt with appropriately'

Premier Mark McGowan and Mr Wyatt have skirted around questions as to why Mr Kaless continued in his position after the 2017 incident,other than to maintain the DPC dealt with the matter appropriately.

But speaking to media on Tuesday,Mr Wyatt went so far as to say he was surprised by the latest incident.

"It may not have been a surprise to you,but it was a surprise to me,"he said.

He said he was"incredibly disappointed,also incredibly saddened about the impact on[Mr Kaless'] family,of course,on his children,on the victim,on him".

Mr McGowan said the 2017 matter was dealt with appropriately by the department.

Opposition integrity spokesman Tjorn Sibma criticised the handling of complaints against Mr Kaless and accused the McGowan Government of"having a problem with women".

"I think it's shocking that allegations have been made about Mr Kaless's behaviour,which go back a good two years ... and nothing seems to have happened over that time,"Mr Sibma said.

"I think it reflects very poorly on the leadership of Ben Wyatt and Mark McGowan and their treatment of women."

Hamish Hastie is WAtoday's state political reporter and the winner of five WA Media Awards,including the 2023 Beck Prize for best political journalism.

Nathan Hondros is WAtoday's political reporter and the winner of the 2019 Arthur Lovekin Prize for Excellence in Journalism.

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