Powering off the pandemic proves high-octane for retail stalwarts

While mostPerth CBD retailers were forced to downsize during the uncertain spectrum of the pandemic last year,one iconic family business plunged into expansion,with adventurous results.

Amid lockdowns and the subsequent switch to home living for West Australians,Saul and Howard Frank saw a left-field opportunity for the family business their parents started 50 years ago.

Wanderlust in the Hay Street Mall gives consumers a chance to roadtest the latest high-tech gadgets.

Wanderlust in the Hay Street Mall gives consumers a chance to roadtest the latest high-tech gadgets.Supplied

The Franks noticed a gap in the market for top-shelf digital products and gadgets,and went for gold,going out on a limb quite different to the Camera Electronics.

The brothers opened a premium,high-tech shop in the Hay Street Mall – Wanderlust – and haven’t looked back. In fact,they’re considering growing their new ‘side’ business.

Originally intended as a pop-up experiment to gauge local interest in high-tech products,Wanderlust has a distinct WA flavour,apart from the long-time retail family’s involvement.

The shop’s name aligned with recent WA Tourism campaigns (Wander out Yonder),while products on the floor complement our renewed interest in intrastate travel and home tech.

“We believe in Perth,we believe in tech,and WA is right at the centre of it now.”

The Frank brothers – Wanderlust

“The shift began a few years ago,when we began bringing in drones,” Saul Frank said.

“Then after the last big lockdown in November,we decided to open Wanderlust.

Camera Electronics always had a strong corporate and retail customer base,but the tech store has lured a fresh segment of the sector - the adventurers (or youngsters on the hunt for the latest digital gadget),baby boomers (with disposable cash) or grey nomads (now abundant on roads across WA).

Wanderlust is a new concept for Perth too. Prospective tech buyers usually go online to find the latest gadgets. But a trip to a high-tech expo in Japan convinced the Franks that having the product in store for consumers to see and road-test was paramount to sales success.

The Fliteboard was one of Wanderlust’s most popular high-tech items last summer.

The Fliteboard was one of Wanderlust’s most popular high-tech items last summer.Supplied

“A lot of the time people come in to the new store and look around,and then we’ll start chatting and mention something they saw,” Howard Frank said.

“No-one has really been stocking this kind of technology in Perth,and we wanted to give people an opportunity to come and see the products for themselves.

“We all love shopping online,but there is nothing better than coming to see it in person,getting friendly,knowledgeable service,and being able to buy it on the spot,and support locals.”

The brothers have a genuine love of the great outdoors and also technology and are keen to share both passions with like-minded locals.

“We want everyone to know about the coolest,latest outdoor tech,” Saul said.

“That includes everything to do with photography,videography,sound,e-sports,you name it.

“We believe in Perth,we believe in tech,and WA is right at the centre of it now.”

One product sure to fly off the shelves this summer is the Fliteboard,a water craft that travels smoothly above water at exhilarating speeds up to 30km/h ... no wind or waves required.

Here’s some other high-tech products hot right now:
1.Maserati E-Scooter – 65km range and rated for 120kg
2.DJI Air 2s Drone – The perfect entry-level drone,with extra anti-collision sensors
3.B&O Wireless Portal Gaming Headphones
4.Cosmo Connected Bike Lights – braking and indicators,all in one.

David Prestipino writes about sports and lifestyle for WAtoday.

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