Think Omicron’s just a mild cold? Think again


COVID-19 arrived at our house recently and what a guest it was.

It’s been around two weeks since my oldest daughter tested positive. She is still sick. Others in the household collapsed as rapidly as if kicked by some savage,pitiless animal.

Brendan Foster with his recovering children.

Brendan Foster with his recovering children.Supplied

Oh,for the record – we are all vaccinated.

Western Australia recently recorded more than 7000 daily caseswith the peak expected any day. Thankfully,few have died from Omicron in WA. There is the possibility the wave could recede with minimal damage,but after becoming intimate with the virus I wouldn’t be getting all warm and cosy just yet.

The common narrative around the Omicron variant is the symptoms will mimic the run-of-the-mill cold.For some,that may be true. From my personal experience,I can tell you that it is a virulent,dangerous and unforgiving disease.

For the past week,the house has been a symphony of guttural vomiting,moan-crying,and the crackle and pop of ibuprofen and paracetamol packets. We have single-handedly caused the shares of pharmaceutical companies to go up.

Every so often my wife and my oldest son have staggered out of their rooms looking like they spent the last two hours wrestling with a Grizzly Bear. I’ve never witnessed such a profound commitment just to get a glass of water. There would be a half-hearted grin and a wave of the hand like a gentle,undemanding zombie. I’ve barely seen them otherwise;an eerie silence has fallen over the place.

It gets hold of you. I can only imagine what a more lethal virus could do to you. Well,I don’t have to,because millions of people around the world have already perished because of this relentless,unstoppable disease.

I was clearly the lucky one. I went down for around three days. The first 24 hours involved me trying to remember the words to the Lord’s Prayer and Googling organic burial pods. I lay in bed clutching my head in my hands with such force Edward Munch would’ve found the image too ghastly to paint.

The nerves in my eyes were throbbing so violently I almost expected to wake up and find the cat playing with one of them after it popped out of my noggin. Yet,despite all debilitating symptoms of Omicron,I feel compelled to tell you that after two PCR swabs and two rapid antigen tests I’m still negative.

Before you mock me as some babbling,blithering idiot who just had a mild virus,my wife had five PCR tests before testing positive. There is an unpredictability with Omicron that most of us are yet to fully understand.

My youngest son wasn’t so lucky. One moment he was enraptured by something on the TV,before vomiting violently. He threw up uncontrollably for the next five to six hours. I was enveloped with a ferocious fear and dread I hope you never have to experience. If panic has an edge,I was hovering over it.

I frantically rang a number of health hotlines and medicos who all assured me what my son was experiencing was a normal symptom of COVID. As I was tiptoeing back to my son’s room through a minefield of spew,I wished I trusted my parenting gut and rushed him to hospital. I was blind,foolish and submissive.

My son is slowly recovering. Other families might not be so fortunate.

In a moment of inexplicable lunacy,I attempted a foolish public service announcement on Twitter to warn folk about the potential perils of Omicron. For those of you who don’t have Twitter,that’s the place social media sewerage flows into.

My tweet became a battleground for those bunkering down behind their keyboards just waiting for the right moment to bleat on about the ill effects of 5G. The vulgarity,emptiness and repetition of moronic comments brought on a bottomless dissatisfaction that few of us go searching for.

Don’t get me wrong,there were elegant gestures of kindness and support,but there was an essential unquantifiable ingredient missing:facts.

Trying to wade through the information or misinformation about Omicron can be exhausting. If you think I’m being nothing more than a morose,over-sensitive,self-absorbed fool,then just pop onto the World Health Organisation website if you want some credible and reputable information on this variant. The WHO debunk a few myths,particularly this notion that catching the disease is nothing more than a common cold. The WHO say people infected with the Omicron variant are still ending up in hospital and many have died.

The WHO also exposes another comical conspiracy theory,the ludicrous idea that vaccinations don’t work against Omicron. The lower rate of hospitalisations and deaths from the virus is because so many people are being vaccinated.

The WHO has one final warning for those unvaccinated:Omicron will seek you out. For the vaccinated who are becomingfatalistic and resigning themselves to getting infected,don’t. You might get lucky and feel nothing more than a common cold. Or,you might get unlucky. But I can tell you that Omicron is anything but ‘common’.

Brendan Foster is a Fremantle local,former Fairfax journalist and communication professional,with work published in Guardian Australia,The New York Daily,The New York Times,Crikey,WAtoday,,The Irish Times and The Sunday Times.

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