This Perth grandma drove her EV to Ningaloo and lived to tell the tale

Electric car owner

It’s been a long and frustrating wait,but I finally have an electric car. Any government support along the way would have helped enormously. But instead of incentives,there have been only headwinds,like the nonsense aboutEVs that would “end the weekend”.

All I wanted was a no-frills mid-range nanna-mobile,and that in the end,is what I got. No heated seats,no sunroof. Just a hatchback my grandkids call Bruce,after Nemo’s sharky sidekick. I’m happy to report that Bruce is a decent,reliable car. Cheap to run and a pleasure to drive.

Denise Fitch charges Bruce in Exmouth.

Denise Fitch charges Bruce in Exmouth.Blue Media Exmouth

I wheeled him happily (and silently) around Perth for weeks until I worked up the nerve to do what I’d long wanted to try.

To drive an EV to Ningaloo. Why? For the adventure,I guess. And to see if it was possible. I figured if EVs can work in a state as big and sparsely populated as WA,they’ll work anywhere.

There’s been a lot of talk lately about establishing “an electric highway” so I wanted to see how far we’ve come since 2019. Setting outin the middle of a federal election,while promises are being made and talk is cheap,was coincidental. But it did seem timely.

Perth to Exmouth is a journey of 1270 kilometres,not much shorter than the drive from,say,Adelaide to Sydney. So regardless of what you drive,it’s not a trip you take on a whim.

My planning brought good news and bad news. Good:theEV Guide Report 2022states that Australia’s EV infrastructure is getting better. NSW has 619 charging stations and Victoria has 439. The bad:WA is not so well-resourced. We’re a third of the continent,but so far,we only have 194 stations,and most are in the south-west.

Bruce has a maximum range of 330 kilometres. But it looked as if there might only be a handful of charge points on the road to Ningaloo.

To make it,I’d run a lean ship and be mindful of whatever might increase power consumption – like hills,strong winds and air-conditioning.

I took the time to consult Biofil inventor Jon Edwards and some of his enthusiastic and helpful friends in the EV community,and I’m glad I did. Jon pioneered the Biofil charging stations powered by recycled chip oil. His chargers are easy to use and,importantly,they’re fast. He explained which types of chargers would work for my car and what accessory plugs I should carry in case things got sticky. He warned that charge times would vary. For backup,I had the PlugShare app,which alerts EV owners to charging points and reports faults and challenges.

I set out excited and a little nervous. Hoping I’d got my calculations right. You can drive from Perth to Ningaloo in 13 hours if you need to,and I’ve done that more than once. But in Bruce that wouldn’t be an option and that was partly the point.

Denise was up for an adventure and luckily,was in no hurry.

Denise was up for an adventure and luckily,was in no hurry.Blue Media Exmouth.

The first leg was easy. I took Indian Ocean Drive and enjoyed the sea views and glimpses of valleys full of grass trees. There were fast chargers in Jurien Bay and Geraldton.

But I hit the rolling hills around Northampton and as gusty crosswinds buffeted Bruce,I watched the toll it took on the battery. As I counted the k’s until the next charging station,I became very familiar with the concept of range anxiety.

That was a 233-kilometre leg. By the time I rolled into Billabong Roadhouse (population 10) at the end of day one,I had 28 per cent battery left. And while pleased that my calculations were right,I’ll admit I’d cracked a sweat before arriving. And not just because I’d turned off the air-conditioning.

Judging by the looks and the banter I got from the travellers gathered for sunset beers on the veranda of the motel,the sight of a grandmother hooking up her EV to a charger is not yet an event that can go unremarked in regional WA.

The charger took five hours to “fill” Bruce and I’d planned for this. But I wondered how many cheap motels I was in for before I reached Ningaloo.

On Day Two I was on the road before dawn with another daunting stretch ahead. By which I mean big gaps between chargers. My goal was to get to Carnarvon by mid-morning.

I loved this part of the drive. The hinterland east of Shark Bay is open rangeland,with mulga,acacias and desert cypress. An hour south of Carnarvon,the land gets pale and tawny,with mesas and ridges that remind me of a Fred Williams painting. To conserve battery,I eased off and drove even more slowly,so I had time to take in the zebra finches darting at the roadside,the bustard foraging in the scrub. Stuff I’d normally miss thundering past in the Landcruiser.

I reached Carnarvon at 9.30am. Drove straight to the charging station at a local motel,and here my morning got complicated.

Tucked into the back corner of the parking lot were two Tesla chargers,out in the weather and covered in red dirt from a recent storm. One wasn’t working and the other was so feeble it deserved a course of vitamins and counselling. In the end,I gave up,and was graciously refunded the charge fee. I found the only other charger across town in another motel. It took another five hours to charge,but that gave me plenty of time to get acquainted with some happy,boisterous families in the park across the road.

Bruce:a conversation point.

Bruce:a conversation point.Blue Media Exmouth

The next charging point was Coral Bay. I was relieved to arrive before dark.

Here the advertised charger was behind the local pub,but despite my best efforts and some bad nanna words,I just couldn’t get it to work for Bruce. Eventually the pub’s maintenance bloke Doug took pity on me and let me use a wall plug. I dragged out my trusty 20m extension cord and home charger,and as the sun set,I left Bruce to recover overnight. A night at the backpackers. So close and yet so far.

I rolled into Exmouth next morning triumphant and relieved.

Since then,whenever people see Bruce and learn that I drove him from Perth,they ask if the trip was hard. And I have to think about that. Because the driving itself was a breeze. And most businesses offering a charge were obliging and supportive.

But regional charging infrastructure in the north is still haphazard and poorly maintained. There’s no logic to it. Stations are not always obvious or easily accessible. Tesla chargers are common,but these don’t work for all EVs and not everyone can afford a Tesla. There’s a smattering of 3-phase Amps and without the lowly wall plug I wouldn’t have made it at all.

So yes,progress has been made,but this seems to have been largely the work of a determined EV community. From governments we’ve had little more than lip service and deliberate obstacles.

Most travellers take two days to drive from Perth to Ningaloo. In Bruce,I took two and a bit. So,it’s perfectly doable,but not yet convenient.

Range anxiety is not an EV problem,it’s an infrastructure problem and a failure of public policy. Premier McGowan’s belatedannouncement of financial support for the purchase of an EV is welcome,but it needs to be backed by a rapid,orderly rollout of charging infrastructure. We need a fast charger every 150 kilometres. Not just the cosy corner between Perth and Margaret River,but in the regions too.

Driving an EV in the country shouldn’t be for the idealistic nanna or the adventurous auntie – it should be completely unremarkable.

We face many challenges in shifting to the new low-emissions economy. This,surely,is the lowest hanging fruit. But our leaders seem afraid to pick it. Perhaps deep down they still worry that EVs will steal the weekend.

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Denise Fitch is a business administrator with a background in nursing and marine science. As a grandmother of four,she is passionate about securing a sustainable future.

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