The Battle for Broadway:New clash erupts in Nedlands development zone

Bitter and frustrated appeals to the panel deciding on a Perth apartment proposal have revealed how deep tensions run in a tiny but prime redevelopment patch.

The state regards the University of Western Australia and QEII medical precinct in Nedlands as a “specialised activity centre” needing denser population.

Faced with community opposition,it forced through rezoning to create “Broadway Precinct”,the strip of land bounded by Broadway and Kingsway,with three to six-storey zoning.

The intention was a transition zone between high-density commercial and residential development bordering the university,and single family homes west of Kingsway.

It resulted in a rush of six-storey proposals. And it is “difficult to gain any meaningful insight into what,specifically,the City of Nedlands officers find offensive” about the latest one,says Ben Doyle,director of Planning Solutions,which lodged the proposal on behalf of private owners.

Championing 101 resident objections,Nedlands staff and council recommended the joint development assessment panel reject the $6.5 million apartment and office block at 105 Broadway,opposite Broadway Fair shopping centre.

They cited bulk,scale,overshadowing and privacy concerns in a report,but Planning Solutions slammed the city’s report as unbalanced,subjective and repetitive.

Mr Doyle said Planning Solutions had engaged its own panel of architects who facilitated a feedback and redesign process as the city lacked the design review panel many other Perth councils had.

One of these,Malcolm Mackay of Mackay Urban Design,sent his own deputation saying the council report was “yet another example of the City of Nedlands manufacturing unsound reasons for refusal to frustrate development”.

“The design meets all of the benchmarks ...[it] might not be an award-winning monumental design by a ‘star-chitect’ but it is an example of an ordinary building done well,” he wrote.

In contrast to the applicants’ panel,Mr Doyle said,the City engaged one architect and one landscape architect,who reviewed the plans and reported separately.

The Broadway Precinct.

The Broadway Precinct.Google

He said on March 4,when the council considered the application,their discussion of specifics was limited and it was hard to understand the basis of the city’s “vehement opposition”.

He said the precinct was 200 metres from UWA,1.2 kilometres from QEII,600 metres from the river and 4 kilometres from the CBD.

He said the city had resisted investment and development for 30-plus years with a dormant planning scheme.

It and the community were “grappling with the impact of rapid change that some see as being thrust upon them ... this is manifesting itself in resistance to applications like this one,and that is entirely understandable,” he said.

“But this building will fit seamlessly with the other development that has already been approved in this area,and other development that is surely on the way.”

He predicted the area would be “unrecognisable” in five years.

He also said the proposed building “responded positively” to its western neighbour,both the house there now and the three to four-storey redevelopment that might one day replace it.

Particular attention was paid to the boundary to choose an attractive design,materials and colour palette and avoid blank uninteresting walls.

Rezonings have prompted development.

Rezonings have prompted development.Google

But the neighbour in question,who also gave a deputation,described the wall as an ugly “blank wall of masonry with small openings” and said the materials were dark,heavy and oppressive.

She said other developments approved for Broadway were less “dominating”.

She said the proposal read as though her home was a development site,not a substantial residence contributing to the character of the area.

“It is a beautiful home,over 100 years old,well maintained and with landscaped gardens. It is not a development site and we stand to lose both financial value and amenity,” she said.

“Any development adjacent to us should take account of the existing dwelling,and not some mythical home units that do not,and are not planned to ever exist.”

The panel resolved to defer a decision for 120 days. City acting chief executive Jim Duff declined to respond to Mr Doyle’s comments but said he expected the applicant to submit revised plans reducing bulk,improving the “interface” with the property to the west,improving the connection with Broadway,and ensuring universal access to the lift lobby.

In the past year,Nedlands council has lost its deputy mayor,director of planning,chief executive and most recently itsmayor,due to tensions over development.

Emma Young is a producer,sub-editor and journalist with WAtoday. She is the winner of nine WA Media Awards and the author of two novels published in 2021 and 2023 by Fremantle Press.

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