WA's China agreement to face scrutiny under proposed foreign interference laws

WA Premier Mark McGowan has confirmed a memorandum of understanding signed by the WA and Chinese governments in 2011 will likely face Commonwealth scrutiny under powerful new laws set to be introduced by the federal government.

The laws will give the foreign minister the power to veto proposed agreements and scrap existing ones between overseas governments and Australian states,local governments and even universities if they contradict Australia's national interest.

WA Premier Mark McGowan.

WA Premier Mark McGowan.Lauren Pilat.

The most high-profile agreement that could be scrapped is Victoria’s controversial Belt and Road deal with China,but Foreign Minister Marise Payne said there were at least 135 deals or arrangements that would be included in a"stocktake"if the legislation is passed.

One of those is the Memorandum of Understanding between the WA government and the Chinese National Development and Reform Commission,the government body that approves all overseas investment by state-owned enterprises.

The MOU was signed by the NDRC and former premier Colin Barnett in 2011 and encourages Chinese companies to explore and develop WA’s resources sector,as well as get involved in the construction of rail,road and port infrastructure related to mining,oil and gas.

It also outlines a huge exchange of information between the two governments including laws,policies,industry plans and statistics.

“This is the first time it has entered into an agreement with a state or provincial government at a ministerial level in China,” Mr Barnett said at the time.

Mr McGowan said an initial review found the MOU was likely to be included in the stocktake.

He said he accepted that foreign policy was the realm of the Commonwealth but it was important for the state to persist in strengthening economic ties with other countries.

“What WA has done for about 70 years is work on important trade and economic opportunities with overseas countries and overseas states,and that’s worked well for WA,” he said.

“We obviously have one of the strongest economies in Australia and probably the world and it is built upon our strong relationship with many countries and states around the world.”

Since his election in 2017,Mr McGowan has trumpeted the importance of WA’s relationship with China,even visiting the country twice.

In November 2017,Mr McGowan led a delegation from the tourism and education sectors,and in June 2018 he visited Beijing to meet government officials and take part in a roundtable discussion with state-owned enterprises and private investors.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the new laws would ensure every arrangement by any Australian government at any level lined up with how the Commonwealth was working to protect and promote Australia’s national interest.

"Where any of these agreements undermine how the federal government is protecting and promoting our national interests,they can be cancelled,"he said.

It is likely the legislation will also impact the University of WA's Confucius Institute because it is a Chinese government-funded joint venture.

Universities Australia chief executive Catriona Jackson said they were still discussing the implications and scale of the legislation but it was important to strike the right balance between national security and research collaboration.

with Anthony Galloway

Hamish Hastie is WAtoday's state political reporter and the winner of five WA Media Awards,including the 2023 Beck Prize for best political journalism.

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