What are we to make of Fraser Anning’s maiden speech?

What are we to make ofFraser Anning’s maiden speech to the Senate? He is after all,an accidental senator,a non-entity,who is most unlikely to be re-elected. The significance of the speech derives from its content and political relevance. Anning controversially affirms an Australian racial identity – infused with British,European,and Christian values – which is being eroded. The sources of this erosion are seen to originate with Gramscian cultural Marxists and federal governments who have fostered no less than our"cultural conquest".

Fraser Anning delivers his controversial first speech in the Senate.

Fraser Anning delivers his controversial first speech in the Senate.Alex Ellinghausen

Anning depicts an apocalyptic scenario of decline that requires decisive action. One motivation is his memory of a lost world,that of Queensland in the 1960s,1970s,and 1980s. This was a"golden age"when Premier Joh Bjelke-Petersen ruled the state. Yet,Anning also approves the shift in immigration policy away from its Anglo Celtic bias to a more broadly European one. Absent,however,is any awareness of conflicts produced by multiculturalism or indigenous politics. Cultural assimilation and integration seemed to have occurred seamlessly.

The first responses to the speech have justly condemned its racism and historical ignorance. Nonetheless,it is vital to step back from the outrage and understand Anning’s speech as part of a longer trajectory of Australian populism. There is very little in the speech that is new;it is an amalgam of populist ideas,policies,and strategies that have regularly arisen in Australia. A major difference lies in the sharp,uncompromising attention given to Islam and Muslim immigration. On limited evidence,Anning confidently asserts that Muslims are"the least able to assimilate and integrate". Accordingly,the case for"ending all further Muslim immigration[is] both compelling and self-evident". No dog-whistle subtlety here!

Despite Pauline Hanson’s rejection of it,this speech is similar to those delivered by her in the 1990s. With minor variations in content,the structure of the discourse is familiar. As with Hanson,the exaggerated claims,simple dichotomies,and"straight talking"would have strong appeal to a particular audience. The references to what"everyone knows"or"should go without saying"are deceptively inclusive. While both constructing and reaffirming its political audiences,the speech would also reassure them that someone in the political elite is listening. This raises the question of who is the Senator’s audience?

Like Hanson,Anning is connecting with the real anxieties and insecurity experienced among marginal,especially rural,communities. Similar to Hanson,Anning projects these concerns onto the urban areas where he reports,for example,a"white flight"from poorer suburbs. He too ignores the demonstrable achievements of immigration and citizenship policy where serious ethnic differences generally diminish over successive generations. Furthermore,there is often a disconnect between acknowledged problems,and what Anning thinks are their causes and solutions.

Pauline Hanson in the Senate.

Pauline Hanson in the Senate.Alex Ellinghausen.

For the populists,liberal democracy is degraded and governments cannot effectively solve problems that the people face. Accordingly,populists like Anning often call upon alternative democratic methods,such as referenda and plebiscites to resolve issues. The solutions offered purport to be straightforward even,unfortunately,"final". The naive assumption is that by using such methods the people can cut through political logjams and dithering to direct governments to do what needs to be done.

These views derive from populism’s dependence upon conspiracy theories. Central is a notion of the Australian people,"ordinary people",especially those living in rural areas,who are badly treated by more powerful urban or transnational elites. Such elites are thought to owe little loyalty to the nation. The slightest evidence can confirm the conspiracy and the current royal commission into the banks provides more than ample support for this view. Designating enemies of the people,such as bankers,party politicians,and educated elites,serve to inoculate populist ideas from informed criticism. Any censure from elites simply reinforces populist distrust of them.

This is not a reason to refrain from criticism. One useful and unintended outcome of this episode was the immediate mobilisation of a unified parliamentary opposition to the ideas in Anning’s speech. Such symbolic actions should not be underestimated for their role in reaffirming political commitment to more generous,and indeed more widely accepted,Australian values.

A second,more insidious form of inoculation comes from social media. This media has enabled not only a wider sharing of views than in the past,but also closure on debate. If the Facebook and Twitter worlds of the conservative populists are anything like those of other online communities,one would expect their biases to be systematically reinforced. In these new public forums,there is minimal scope for falsifying populist ideas. The evidence just piles up and confirms previous evidence. Criticism is interpreted as persecution. That said,the popularity and intensity of populist ideas wax and wane with the conditions of the time and the capabilities of leaders to exploit them.

A further saving grace for traditional parties,if that phrase can be applied,is that populist movements in Australia have been inherently unstable. The sole set of traditions populist parties cannot call upon are those required for political success. Political socialisation through a party structure,longstanding bonds of loyalty,stable networks,robust selection processes,party discipline,are all lacking. Without such commitments,the individual members of populist parties are more likely to be mavericks,such as Anning,and eventually act like them in ways that will be self-destructive. The consequence will be the regular disintegration and reformation of the parties.

What intellectual criticism cannot achieve,the daily grind of party politics will. It is most likely that Senator Anning may have already had his day in the winter sun of Canberra.

Geoffrey Stokes is the editor ofThe Politics of Identity in Australian (CUP 1997) and co-editor,with Michael Leach and Ian Ward,ofThe Rise and Fall of One Nation (UQP,2000).

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