Yes,Senator,climate change is real:A Liberal MP's open letter to One Nation's Malcolm Roberts

Dear Senator,

You recently wrote to me to demand that I provide reasons as to why I have been a voice for action on climate change within the government and the basis for my view that climate change as a result of human activity was even occurring.

This I am happy to do because climate change poses such enormous risks to our future but also,if we get our response right,opportunities for Australia including the people of Queensland you represent.

Sheep graze on a solar farm at Dubbo in June this year.

Sheep graze on a solar farm at Dubbo in June this year.Janie Barrett

Senator,it is now three decades since we were warned about the impact of the greenhouse effect by that unlikely warrior for green extremism,Margaret Thatcher,in her early clarion call to the global community. The role of human-created emissions in climate change is now widely recognised by the world’s leading scientific minds and the government’s they advise.

Scepticism is a good thing – most of humankind once thought the world was flat after all. But even if you thought that so many scientists were wrong or part of a global conspiracy to hoodwink us all,isn’t what we are witnessing before our very own eyes in our weather patterns enough to make you pause for just a second and think that maybe they could be right?

The Australian Bureau of Meteorology’s 2016 State of the Climate report shows that Australia’s climate has warmed since national records began in 1910. Mean surface air temperature has increased by around 1 degree Celsius since 1910. These findings are effectively identical with the averaged warming trends observed by NASA.

This increase in temperature coincides with an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide,with the levels today being higher than at any point in at least the past 800,000 years;this was observed by NASA in a study of reconstructed ice cores from the last three glacial cycles.

Human-induced climate change poses risks to health,livelihoods,food security,water supply,human security,and economic growth,particularly if temperatures rise beyond 2 degrees. These risks were examined empirically by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and included the potential for increases of drought,negative impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems and increases in ocean acidity.

In your letter you mentioned the impact energy policy has had on farmers. Agriculture is highly sensitive to weather extremes and variations in climate,as outlined by the Department of Agriculture,Water and the Environment. If the observed drying trend in parts of our country continues there is a substantial risk that agricultural yields will be negatively affected.

I reject the view that sensible policies which aim to mitigate the negative effects of climate change are inherently disruptive to the economy and the welfare of Australians. Yes,there are radicals whose approach I completely disagree with,but they should not be the straw man for saying “do nothing”.

Renewable energy technology offers tremendous opportunities to Australia. All the new wind farms,solar farms,pumped hydro energy storage systems and interstate high-voltage transmission are in regional areas,creating many new jobs. The Australian Bureau of Statistics recently estimated that 27,000 people are now employed in the renewable energy industry.

Solar and wind account for nearly two-thirds of global net new generation capacity additions. In Australia,the figure is 99 per cent because solar and wind are cheaper than new coal or gas. Australia is the global renewable energy pathfinder and is deploying new renewable energy four times faster per capita than in Europe,the USA,Japan or China. The combined value of Australia’s solar and wind industries is about $8 billion per year – this is big business.

Snowy 2.0,Tasmania’s Battery of the Nation,the SA-NSW interconnector,Queensland’s Genex-Kidston pumped hydro and Copperstring and similar projects bring major regional benefits.

The National Electricity Market has reached 25 per cent renewables,up from 16 per cent in 2017,and is tracking towards 35 per cent in 2023. It is projected that the cost of solar and wind electricity in Australia will decline from today’s $45 per megawatt hour to $30/MWh over the 2020s,leading to continued declining prices,declining emissions and tremendous economic opportunities including in Queensland.

Australia is harnessing the global shift towards renewables and low-emissions technologies and has become the per capita world leader in deployment of solar and wind. Additionally,the Australian-developed PERC silicon solar cell is now being deployed globally at the same rate as net new coal,oil,gas and nuclear capacity combined.

So yes Senator,I do believe the science does justify my concern about climate change. And equally,I believe the Australian and global communities have the capacity,the enterprise and the innovation to technologically chart a low-carbon future. Rather than hanging on to the shibboleths of the past,we should embrace the potential of the future in a way that will make Australia even stronger.

Trent Zimmerman is the federal Liberal member for North Sydney. This is an edited version of his reply to One Nation's Senator Malcolm Roberts.

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