Justice stalled for family of Tyrone Slemnik gunned down in bikie shooting

Solace for the family of a Hells Angels associate gunned down more than two years ago has been stalled by the"pathetic weakness"of those who know who pulled the trigger but won't come forward.

Tyrone Lee Slemnik,37,was standing guard outside the home of Hells Angels Sydney chapter president Suvat Sarimsaklioglu on July 8,2013,when shots were fired from a passing car.

Tyrone Slemnik was killed while standing guard outside a senior Hells Angels member's home in July 2013.

Tyrone Slemnik was killed while standing guard outside a senior Hells Angels member's home in July 2013.Facebook

Mr Slemnik,who family say had recently received his club colours,suffered a single gunshot wound to his stomach and died on the street in Eastlakes,near Mascot.

Since then,Mr Slemnik's associates have nominated a suspect to police but have refused to provide any evidence to support the claims.

Zoltan Slemnik appeals for information in 2014 after the murder of his brother,Tyrone Slemnik.

Zoltan Slemnik appeals for information in 2014 after the murder of his brother,Tyrone Slemnik.Kate Geraghty

As a result,justice has not been forthcoming for Mr Slemnik's family.

"There is this big emphasis on the brotherhood but when it comes down to it,it is everyone for themselves,"brother Zoltan Slemnik told Fairfax Media.

"What's concerning is that there might be one or two people out there that know who did it and they don't have the balls to stand up and say something."

A coronial inquest has revealed Mr Slemnik fell victim to a dispute between waring outlaw motorcycle gangs and his shooting was almost certainly carried out at the behest of a more senior gang member.

Police at the scene of the shooting in Eastlakes in July 2013.

Police at the scene of the shooting in Eastlakes in July 2013.Nick Moir

Before the fatal shooting,police intelligence pointed to increased tension between Mr Sarimsaklioglu and Comanchero​ bikie gang head,Mark Buddle,according to State Coroner Michael Barnes'findings.

As a result Mr Sarimsaklioglu instructed gang associates to stand guard outside his Eastlakes unit block.

Hells Angels gang member Tyrone Slemnik was shot dead in Eastlakes,near Mascot,in July 2013.

Hells Angels gang member Tyrone Slemnik was shot dead in Eastlakes,near Mascot,in July 2013.Facebook

Mr Slemnik was carrying out this duty when he was killed.

Mr Barnes stated the shot that killed Mr Slemnik was fired from a moving car by a"gutless coward"too frightened to show his face.

"It is highly likely that a number of people know the identity of those who carried out the shooting and those who procured it,"he stated in findings handed down late last year.

"They too lack the moral integrity or courage to make the reports needed to allow justice to be served in this case."

Any solace for Mr Slemnik's family was likely to come from that same pathetic weakness,he said.

"At some stage in the future,one of those who know what happened will be charged with a serious offence,"Mr Barnes stated.

"When that person is facing a long term of imprisonment their oath of loyalty to their gang will dissolve as they offer up any information they think might get them a lesser sentence."

Mr Slemnik was standing on the gutter when a witness said a gold Audi wagon drove down the street and shots were fired out the window.

The father-of-four fell and hit his head on the boot of a parked car before slumping onto the road.

Police later found seven fired cartridges at the scene,indicating different bullets had been fired from different guns.

Two months later a fisherman snagged a plastic bag in the Cooks River at Kyeemagh and a firearm was found stashed inside.

Testing revealed it was the gun used to shoot Mr Slemnik.

A former Hells Angels member who had recently patched over to the Comancheros was nominated as being the shooter,Mr Barnes outlined.

However,when police spoke to the suspect,he refused to be interviewed but denied any knowledge of the shooting.

Two men who were with Mr Slemnik on the night of the shooting – including one who claimed he had his back turned when the shooting happened – were later charged with concealing a serious offence.

Another associate was charged for returning fire to those who shot Mr Slemnik.

However no one has been charged with firing the shot that killed Mr Slemnik,who became associated with the Hells Angels after working at a tattoo shop in Sydney's west,family say.

"If he was such a brother then make it right and stand up and say something,"Zoltan Slemnik said to those with knowledge of the murder.

"Every day we get up and think,is today going to be the day?

"I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy because if you know who had done it and go through what we have gone through,it's just so hard."

Do you know more? Email ava.benny-morrison@fairfaxmedia.com.au.

Ava Benny-Morrison is crime reporter with The Sydney Morning Herald

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