Blacklist repeat offenders who destroy WA public housing

Why should someone kicked out of public housing ever be given another chance?

The rest of us have had to work it out. The disgusting images we all see on the TV or in newspapers of the filth and damage to public housing by unruly tenants is disgusting.

People who destroy taxpayer-funded homes do not deserve one skerrick of sympathy.

People who destroy taxpayer-funded homes do not deserve one skerrick of sympathy.KENT BLECHYNDEN/ Fairfax NZ

For every destroyed home,it means there is another family in need left without a place to live.

In 2016,have we really got to the stage where staff need to go into homes and'teach'people how to clean up?

The fact people are too scared to actually say what needs to be said is the saddest thing of all. The people who destroy taxpayer-funded homes do not deserve one skerrick of sympathy.

Yes,there is a right and a wrong way to live - and you are kidding yourself if you think there is not.

Bad tenants inflict their behaviour upon their neighbours,their families and then have the audacity to cry they are being victimised when the bailiff eventually does their job and evicts them.

Around 20,000 people are currently on the public housing waiting list,including 8,000 families.

The average time on the waiting list is around three years.

At the moment,the amount that current and former Housing Authority tenants statewide owe for repairs,rubbish removal,rent and water bills is nearly $47 million.

That is $47 million of WA taxpayers'money that could be used to provide housing for those deserving families stuck on the waiting list.

Housing Authority service delivery general manager Greg Cash has said the debt amounts to around $1207 per house.

At the moment,the amount that current and former Housing Authority tenants statewide owe for repairs,rubbish removal,rent and water bills is nearly $47 million.

It is all well and good for critics to claim the answer is simply to build more homes or for a government to purchase more homes.

With what exactly?

Money from the taxpayer does not come from some magic money tree in the backyard.

There are plans for nearly another 2,500 new homes to be built by mid-2017 with the Housing Authority and industry working together but how many more could be built if the troublemakers didn't create the hassles they do in the first place?

Of that $47 million,just over $35 million is owed by former tenants,nearly $8 million is being managed by debt collection agencies and $627,000 has simply been written off.

While the Housing Authority managed to recover just over $12 million for a nine-month period this financial year,it is a mere drop in the ocean when it really shouldn't be.

There is an $11 million debt owed by current tenants,of which more than $2.5 million is for unpaid rent,$4.2 million for unpaid water bills and more than $4 million for damage and rubbish removal.

The cost of damage to homes in the past financial year was more than $17 million.

We are always told it is a small proportion of problem tenants who cause this damage but the inexcusable actions of this minority unfairly tar the reputation of everyone else in public housing who is doing the right thing and treating their property with respect.

Why the state government's three-strikes policy,introduced in 2011,sparked strong criticism from housing advocates and welfare group is beyond me.

The policy means public housing tenants who accumulate three strikes for anti-social or disruptive behaviour face eviction.

Privately,many people – including those in public housing suffering from the actions of unruly neighbours – were saying'about time'. When the previous housing minister,Colin Holt,suggested that a deduction should be taken from tenants'welfare payments to ensure the debts were paid,many people wondered'why wasn't this already the case?'

Of course out came the excuse brigade,crying out that forcing people to pay their debts was somehow a form of discrimination. Once more,we in the silent law-abiding majority were left rolling our eyes.

It seems that,unlike the private rental market where tenants have to sink and swim,appreciation for what is provided by the state just isn't there for some people.

You have to be pretty bad to get to that third strike. It is not as if after one strike the tenant is left out on their own to flounder and ponder what they need to do. Things are explained to the tenant in very straightforward language and procedures are put into place to assist them to get their act together. Unfortunately,some just choose not to change their behaviour and somehow expect that the rest of us will continue to pay for their damage.

Figures show that the three-strike policy is working and leading to some much-needed positive changes. In 2013-14 there were 1410 first strikes issues in 2015-16 these numbers had fallen to less than 1000.

As for the third strike notices,they have gone from 179 in 2013-14 to 170 in 2014-15 and only 106 in 2015-16. There is little doubt that the policy is working to make some difference in saving losses to taxpayers and making life better for long-suffering neighbours of bad tenants.

But the record amount still being spent on repairs,cleaning and rubbish removal is a colossal waste of taxpayers'money that could easily be better spent.

You don't need to be a maths whiz to work out that $18 million could buy many more properties for people who are patiently waiting on the public housing list and who are just as disgusted at this behaviour.

To be able to live,more often than not in an area of your choice or near enough,is like winning the lottery. Paying a fraction of what private rentals charge is the cherry on top. After all,public housing rents are capped at 25 per cent of household income.

The Housing Authority is the largest landlord in WA. It owns around 40,000 properties. Tenants are reminded that they have responsibilities when living in one of these properties but they are the same tasks as everyone else has to do.

"Basic household maintenance like replacing light globes,vacuuming,cleaning windows,dusting,removing cobwebs inside and out,garden maintenance such as mowing and edging lawns,weeding and pruning"are the responsibility of the tenant,as it states on the maintenance brochure. Other,more expensive,maintenance like painting,roof repairs and the like are again paid for by the taxpayer.

There is no shame in living in,or needing,public housing. But there should be shame if you are one of the tenants evicted each week under the state government's three strikes and you are out policy.

Around 500 households were forced out in the 2015-2016 financial year,an increase in recent years.

Unruly public housing tenants have had it too easy for too long in WA. But perhaps a leaf out of New South Wales'book is the real answer?

The NSW government is taking action against tenants who continually damage and destroy public housing with those people put on a lifetime blacklist to be refused housing unless they pay the damage bill in full.

That state has 60,000 people waiting for housing.

Our state shouldn't wait for things to get that bad. Some tough love some genuine repercussions for bad behaviour is needed for the minority who seem to be calling the shots and ruining it for the rest.

Karalee Katsambanis is a mother-of-three and a journalist for more than 20 years. Listen to her on 6PR's PerthTonight with Chris Ilsley between 9pm-10pm on Mondays.

Karalee Katsambanis is a media commentator,media trainer,former TV news reporter and a mother of three. Listen to her on Perth Tonight with Chris Ilsley on 6PR between 9 and 10pm on Mondays.

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