Karalee Katsambanis:Hashtag campaigns can floor even the best of us

Australia's Olympic Games Chef de Mission Kitty Chiller's initial inflexible stance on banning gold medallist Emma McKeon and non-qualifier Josh Palmer from the closing ceremony reminded us all of being that parent who was following through with punishment.

However,less than 24 hours later,the perceived tough female nut of the Games caved into social media pressure and a hashtag campaign.

The figurehead,not the failure? Australian chef de mission Kitty Chiller.

The figurehead,not the failure? Australian chef de mission Kitty Chiller.Getty Images

Ironically,her backflip has lost her more respect than people are willing to admit she actually had.

Love her or hate her,there has certainly never been a day without drama for Kitty Chiller. But her backflip was wrong.

If exceptions to rules are always to be made,then what is the point of even having rules in the first place?

People question why many in the current generation of young people are not able to take responsibility and show resilience in the face of adversity. Well,when you live in a world where a hashtag simply fixes everything,what else can you expect?

The social media savvy swimmers who mounted that quick hashtag campaign #letherdance and online petition are left with no doubt that this is definitely the way in life to'right a wrong',now and in the future.

But the question really is,what favours has it really done and what message does it send?

There is not a person around who hasn't stuffed up somewhere along the line in life and feels that they are entitled to another chance. But the stark reality is that more often than not,it does not happen.

No one denies that there was a huge difference between McKeon's seemingly innocent'not following the team rules'of failing to notify her manager when she decided to stay with some friends for the night,contrasted with Josh Palmer's drunken beach escapade which ended with a passing Australian businessman handing him over to an Australian consulate official.

Sure,McKeon will now have a wonderful memorable end to the Games but will any lesson really be learned for the future?

The fact a bunch of people can swoop in with a few keystrokes and make everything cool again in the bubble world just cocoons elite athletes even more.

In the past many high profile swimmers have found life in the real world a daunting task and the sad stories of Grant Hackett,Geoff Huegill and Scott Miller instantly spring to mind.

At the end of the day,team rules are team rules with no room for exceptions.

Remember a couple of months ago West Coast Eagles ruckman Scott Lycett was left out of the team to play the Brisbane Lions because of an indiscretion.

The timing could not have been worse. It coincided with Nic Naitanui being sidelined with an Achilles heel injury. If there was ever a time West Coast needed Lycett it was then.

Coach Adam Simpson stood firm,felt the heat but stood by his decision that Lycett had failed to meet the standards set by the club's leadership group,players and coaches after a disappointing loss to Adelaide. In Lycett's case that was that and he served his penance.

Workplaces around Australia are the same. Rules are made and anyone who breaks a rule will always think they have been unfairly targeted or an exception should be made for them.

At the end of the day,Australia's Olympians are there to do a job.

For two weeks every four years,the dedication and training culminates in literally either seconds or minutes. It is a tough price to pay. Sometimes there is heart break,other times elation.

It has been estimated that it has cost the Australian taxpayer $38 million to get our swimmers to Rio. There are 37 swimmers in the Olympic Squad meaning just over $1.02 million has been spent on each swimmer.

Once again,just like in London four years ago,our swimmers failed to deliver on expectations created by their own the pre-games spin and hype.

Australians,me included,absolutely love our swimmers but for $38 million I think I could have thrown in a bit of sound advice.

Forget all the high tech performance testing and specialised training camps,support staff and all the fancy words. It is time to get back to basics.

Australia came a cropper in the pool in London 2012 recording our worst Olympic result in 20 years. We won a total of 10 medals in the pool but only one gold in the women's 4x100 freestyle relay.

Remember the pre-game boasts of James Magnussen world champion for 100m freestyle who bore the brunt of the criticism because he said he would win two golds.

Then the Australian 4x100 freestyle team also bragged about bagging a gold but it completely missed out on any medals when it finished fourth.

Australia's swimmers have won six gold medals in Beijing (2008) seven gold in Athens (2004) and five gold in Sydney (2000) as well as numerous silver and bronze.

Australia's elite swimmers have always undergone intensive and extensive training and always will.

But the one glaring difference between these games and those of less than a decade ago? Pressure to perform and bring home medals is always there. Pressure of being part of the social media world wasn't.

When you do not have a HECS debt to pay back to the Federal Government,when you have the best of the best advice and opportunity there for you thanks to the taxpayer,if you muck up a tweet should not get you out of trouble.

Dawn Fraser won the gold medal in the 100m freestyle for the third time in three Olympics at the 1964 Games in Tokyo. She then went out on the town with a couple of others and stole two flags from the Japanese Emperor's Palace.

Despite being arrested but released without charge,she was suspended by the Australian Swimming Union for 10 years which effectively ended her career (although the ban was later lifted after four years).

"I learnt a lesson from what happened in Tokyo because in some ways it overshadowed everything I did in the pool,"Fraser has said about those events

Sadly,Fraser makes a fair point. Swimming aficionados still remember her as one of only three swimmers to have won the same Olympic event,the women's 100-metre freestyle,three Olympiads in a row.

Tokyo 2020 is a new chance for our swimmers and all other athletes.

Who knows,maybe by then social media will have disappeared into the ether and the athletes can get back to being in the zone where all that matters to them is living,eating and breathing their chosen sport rather than letting the world see what they are living,eating and breathing via a social media platform.

There are no such things as mistakes in life,only lessons. But if you do not learn the lesson you will keep making the same mistake.

The lesson should not be that a hashtag can fix it all.

Karalee Katsambanis is a mother-of-three and a journalist for more than 20 years. Listen to her on 6PR's PerthTonight with Chris Ilsley between 9pm-10pm on Mondays.

Karalee Katsambanis is a media commentator,media trainer,former TV news reporter and a mother of three. Listen to her on Perth Tonight with Chris Ilsley on 6PR between 9 and 10pm on Mondays.

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