Stop covering up your children's mess

It is incredible how rapidly one worldwide attention-grabbing story is replaced by another at the moment.

In the past week,just in the US state of Florida we had the Orlando shooting massacre,the death of the toddler taken by an alligator at Disney World and the shooting death of 22-year-old singer Christina Grimmie.

Brock Turner and his father Dan Turner in court. Dan Turner offered supportive character testimony.

Brock Turner and his father Dan Turner in court. Dan Turner offered supportive character testimony.

Western Australia has had two fatal shark attacks off our coast,former Perth student Henri Van Breda bailed after allegedly murdering three members of his family and Rye Hunt's body being found in Rio. No story is more or less worthy to remember,but there is one story which we should not allow to be forgotten.

The Stanford University rape case in California may be a world away from us but there are so many lessons to be learned on a wider scale which will permeate throughout our society.

The convicted rapist's father described his son's six-month jail term as"a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action,"and the father remains surprised at the public's outrage towards him.

The very fact that the father of a convicted rapist is actually defending his son's actions and sees his son as the supposed victim in the case is outrageous. Blood may well be thicker than water but until we stop excusing the inexcusable,the current cycle of an emerging"blameless generation"will never be broken.

This continual justification by parents of their children's actions is symptomatic of the world we are living in. Then we all wonder why the world we live in is so unbelievable at times?

It is somewhat refreshing that most people are appalled by these dreadful comments by the father and the unbelievable sentence the rapist was handed by the judge. The maximum was 14 years. Prosecutors asked for six years. Turner got six months!

The judge even said that a longer sentence would have a'severe impact'on Turner. The life-long impact of Turner's terrible crime on the real victim,a 23-year old woman,seems to have been well and truly forgotten.

Apparently the judge is facing a recall effort and has received threats of violence to himself and his family. Threatening members of the judiciary is not the way to go in any society. But,with a sentence like that,he should not be above criticism. It is ridiculous sentences like this one that causes society to lose faith in the justice system.

Here in WA we see so many examples where the judiciary often talk tough during sentencing but end up delivering a sentence that is little more than a slap on the wrist.

If we keep justifying the inexcusable we keep creating this ongoing problem that instead of the offender having to take responsibility for their actions which have brought them before the court in the first place,it is always someone else's fault.

The very fact that his 20-year old son Brock Allen Turner is now a registered sex offender still has not hit home to his father Dan Turner. The sad fact is that he sees his son as being the real victim because a'precious swimming scholarship'for a future Olympic career has now been lost.

Turner blamed his actions on the fact that he was an"inexperienced drinker and party-goer"and he looked up to members of his swim team who had apparently set no limits on partying or drinking.

He described his actions in his courtroom statement as the product of a culture of drinking,peer pressure and'sexual promiscuity'. Alcohol was used as an excuse for the reason why he raped an unconscious woman behind a dumpster on the campus and kept on despite being tackled by two other students who managed to stop him before calling police.

Police now claim the convicted rapist sent images of his victim's breast to a group of friends. The victim's impact statement has been described by the prosecutor as the most eloquent in his 20 years of law.

The defence by Dan Turner of his 20-year- old son's actions illustrates this whole'me'generation where a'little Johnny or little Jane"can do no wrong in the eyes of parents,even as adults.

This automatic defence of our children needs to be re-evaluated by all of us and it starts in primary school.

It is now well documented how threats of violence and physical assault against teachers in our schools are on the rise. The days of the parent actually respecting and backing up the authority of the teacher seem to have disappeared in this'me'generation.

Children can do no wrong in the parents'eyes.

Schools and teachers are consumed with worry about the threat of a lawsuit being slapped on them,rather than the parent being grateful about being told that their child just needs to pull their head in.

No one delights in being told their child has done wrong. Shame used to be the word used. Now it seems to be a badge of honour for some,and god help the teacher or principal who ironically is trying to do that child a favour and show them the right way to act.

It is the same when it comes to kids'sport. If the coach does not want to play the child in a certain position or wants to leave them on the bench,he or she will often have to contend with an irate parent or grandparent who wants their child to not just be part of a team,but to be the star of the team.

It is all about me,all the time.

If children keep being shielded from reality,with every excuse under the sun trotted out time and time again,they will never grow up to be responsible contributing members of society. They will expect somebody else to pick up the pieces or make excuses for them every time they make mistakes.

The Stanford rape case and revelations about inappropriate parental behaviour in our schools should be the start of a conversation to stop the excuse making and weak attempts at justifying the inexcusable.

Instead of blindly trotting out lines like'20 minutes of action'perhaps we all need to have a 20-minute conversation reminding our children of the boundaries of acceptable behaviour.

Karalee Katsambanis is a mother-of- three and a journalist for more than 20 years. Listen to her on 6PR's PerthTonight with Chris Ilsley between 9pm-10pm on Mondays.

Karalee Katsambanis is a media commentator,media trainer,former TV news reporter and a mother of three. Listen to her on Perth Tonight with Chris Ilsley on 6PR between 9 and 10pm on Mondays.

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