Brian Burston under fire over Clive Palmer alliance

Clive Palmer’s new Senate ally,Brian Burston,has been accused of promising to find a “billionaire mate” two weeks ago in an attempt to secure the funds to fight an election in a massive falling out on the Senate crossbench.

A letter from Senator Burston’s former chief of staff,Peter Breen,reveals attempts to raise $350,000 to settle an explosive row within Pauline Hanson’s One Nation that led Senator Burston to quit her party.

Mr Breen claims Senator Burston planned to contest the coming NSW state election for One Nation in a peace deal that would keep him in the party after he broke ranks over his support for the government’s company tax cuts.

Seantor Brian Burston with Clive Palmer at a press conference on Monday.

Seantor Brian Burston with Clive Palmer at a press conference on Monday.Alex Ellinghausen

Senator Burston quit One Nation last week and said he would sit as an independent but revealed on Monday morning that he had joined Mr Palmer to set up the United Australia Party.

Mr Breen claimed Senator Burston had started talking about a “billionaire mate” in early June in a five-point plan to repair his relations with Senator Hanson.

Senator Burston had to consider alternative pathways because without the endorsement of Hanson's One Nation he faced an enormous challenge keeping his Senate seat when facing an election within the next year.

“He would contest the upcoming NSW election as the number one Pauline Hanson’s One Nation candidate in the Legislative Council,” Mr Breen wrote of the plan on June 8.

“He would deposit the sum of $350,000 in a party campaign account in NSW.

“The funds would be provided by his ‘billionaire mate’.

“If necessary,he would pay the $350,000 himself as he has plenty of money.

“I would run the election campaign as party secretary.”

Mr Breen confirmed to Fairfax Media that the letter was genuine and reflected the comments Senator Burston made to him to try to move from the Senate to the NSW state upper house in a bid to stay in Senator Hanson’s party.

Reviving the United Australia Party and channelling US President Donald Trump,Clive Palmer announced Brian Burston will be the leader of the party in the Senate.

“He was trying to patch things up with Pauline Hanson,” Mr Breen said.

“But 24 hours later I got a letter from him saying I was sacked,so I guess he changed his mind.

“The name Clive Palmer didn’t even cross my mind.”

Burston has come under scrutiny after claiming in the Senate early on Monday that he would sit as an independent only to appear at a press conference with Mr Palmer late morning joining the United Australia Party.

Senator Burston denied having a “billionaire mate” in mind in early June and said he had not spoken to Mr Palmer until after he had left One Nation.

Senator Burston left One Nation last week after a falling out with leader Pauline Hanson.

Senator Burston left One Nation last week after a falling out with leader Pauline Hanson.Alex Ellinghausen

“I had never even met Clive Palmer at that stage. I’d never even had an approach from him,so it’s not even relevant in the context of this particular letter.

“I met him last Thursday in Townsville. I had dinner with him on Newcastle on Friday night.”

Senator Burston told Fairfax Media he had only considered the NSW Legislative Council briefly and quickly changed his mind.

“This was a meeting in my office and Peter said ‘how would you feel about running as number one on the ticket in NSW?’ and I said ‘Pauline won’t have a bar of it.’

“He said said it would cost $350,000 to run the election and I said I didn’t have that sort of money but would consider the offer,or the payoff to run as number one on the ticket for the NSW upper house.

“It took me ten minutes to decide no,but Peter had already left.”

Senator Burston sacked Mr Breen the next day.

David Crowe is chief political correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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