COAG review calls for funding certainty for preschool education

A review commissioned by the Council of Australian Governments has recommended the Morrison government commit to funding preschools in a five-year block to provide certainty to the sector,amid warnings any reduction in federal funds would trigger"immediate and longer-term consequences".

Federal and state education ministers are due to consider the review at a two-day meeting in Alice Springs,starting on Wednesday, amid concerns from the early childhood sector the Morrison government is preparing to scale back its funding for preschool (called kindergarten in Victoria).

A federal and state government-commissioned review into preschools has recommended funding is locked in for five years.

A federal and state government-commissioned review into preschools has recommended funding is locked in for five years.Peter Braig

The interim review into preschool funding,conducted by consulting firm,Nous Group,warns that if the federal government does not renew its support for preschool,there would likely be a reduction in the hours offered to children in the short term and a decline in school education outcomes in the longer-term.

"The review's overarching finding is that,to sustain and further build on progress,funding should continue at a minimum of current levels,"a draft of the report,seen byThe Sydney Morning Herald andThe Age,says.

The national partnership agreement on preschools provides 600 hours of subsidised preschool in the year before children go to school. Since 2014,the funding has been renewed on an annual basis,with the current agreement due to run out at the end of next year.

Earlier this year,the federal government announced $449.5 million for preschool for the 2020 school year. In the wake of the budget,Treasurer Josh Frydenberg noted that while the government had funded preschools every year since its election,it was"primarily the responsibility of the states". He also flagged concerns about low attendance rates.

The Nous report notes the issue of"funding uncertainty"around the federal govenrment's contribution to preschools is"real and important". It says future funding arrangements should"guarantee funding for a minimum of four or five years".

While all its policies are now under review,Labor went to the federal election with a plan to extend free preschool to three-year-olds,as well as a longer-term funding for the four-year-old program,at an initial cost of $1.75 billion over four years.

Labor's early education spokesperson Amanda Rishworth described this week's Education Council meeting as a"test for the Morrison government".

"If they do not commit to fund four-year-old preschool and discuss a timeframe to fund three-year-old preschool,they are failing Australian children."

Education Minister Dan Tehan's office did not respond to a request for comment about the Nous review in time for deadline.

He has previously said the government"is working with the states and territories on future arrangements that will focus on lifting preschool participation rates,especially for disadvantaged and Indigenous children".

On Tuesday,Mr Tehan announced $46 million to support quality standards for early childhood education.

He also flagged a plan to boost phonics training for teachers,as a requirement of their professional accreditation.

"Given last week'sPISA[international maths,science and reading] results,I can't see any reason why the states and territories wouldn't sign up to giving teachers the skills to effectively teach how to read."

With Fergus Hunter

Judith Ireland is a former political reporter for the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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