Consultants are here to stay in the APS:review panel member

In the lead up to the federal election,interest and conjecture over the futures of Home Affairs secretary and Treasury secretary Phil Gaetjens under a possible Labor government is swirling,but this could be the last campaign to feature such gossip.

One of the more significant recommendations in the interim report from the independent review of the public service is to overhaul the way secretaries are hired and fired,including legislation to ensure transparency in the criteria used to appoint a secretary,as well as clear termination processes.

Professor Glyn Davis is a member of the panel on the independent review of the Australian public service.

Professor Glyn Davis is a member of the panel on the independent review of the Australian public service.Louie Douvis

"We're recommending legislative changes to strengthen the process and make it more difficult to simply fire someone because you don't like them,"said Professor Glyn Davis,member of the review panel and distinguished professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy.

"It will strengthen the relationship[between ministers and secretaries],because a relationship between equals is a more robust relationship than one with someone who can fire you at any moment."

A combination of codifying the expectations around secretaries,as well as increasing and normalising the number of public servants spending time in ministerial offices will strengthen the independence of the public service,Professor Davis said,calling secretaries'appointments a"tricky issue".

Senior public servants need to know they can work on a contentious area of policy without being punished for doing so by a new government,he said.

"I think that has incrementally changed over time,in a way that most people would see as not helpful,"Professor Davis said.

It's possible the recommendation may get left on the cutting-room floor though,with the decision ultimately to be made by the government that wins the next election.

"I'm really pleased we've put it on the table and dealt with it,now government may choose,and because we're not reporting until after the election,whoever the government is,may choose not to listen to us,but I'm pleased it's being discussed."

In a comment that may not be appreciated by those who bemoan the increasing use of consultants for policy work,Professor Davis said the public service needs to acknowledge that it may not always have the best advice,and that ministers are entitled to seek advice elsewhere.

"The world never goes back,so that's one of life's lessons,it never is like it was,with anything – you can't do u-turns."

"Consultants are going to be a part of the future,that's just unambiguous and there are many specialist consulting practices who are as good as anybody at providing detailed advice on core policy questions."

Research from the Australia and New Zealand School of Government commissioned by the review and released last week says the use of consultants by the public service can be seen as a strength,and Professor Davis said the review is testing whether the use of consultants is contributing to better policy advice,or just providing cover for ministers.

"There are areas where the Australian public service may never have been strong and there are excellent people to look out for and then there are areas where we need contending advice,you actually need to go out and test advice,particularly in tricky areas like security where you've got strong views and you just need to be able to test whether you're getting good advice."

The independent review of the public service is currently seeking feedback on its interim report and will hand the final report to the government in June.

Sally Whyte is a reporter for The Canberra Times covering the public service.

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