Education Minister pushes for'back to basics'approach in schools

Education Minister Dan Tehan has called on state counterparts to"move quickly"towards a rollout of improved teaching methods across Australia's schools to better track students'development and help turn around declining academic results.

"Learning progressions"are formalised tools,endorsed by Mr Tehan,to measure literacy and numeracy levels against common benchmarks,allowing teachers to meet students'different needs as they work through the curriculum every school year.

Education Minister Dan Tehan.

Education Minister Dan Tehan.Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Tehan has praised ongoing research on the technique ahead of a meeting of federal,state and territory education ministers in Alice Springs on Wednesday. The gathering will consider moving ahead with learning progressions as one of a series of reforms to boost student results.

"We will present a very detailed paper on all the initial work as to how this can be implemented and then ask for agreement to move quickly to the next stage,"Mr Tehan said.

Standardised tracking of students'progress is part of Mr Tehan's emphasis on a"back to basics"approach in education. Pointing toAustralia's worst ever results in international reading,maths and science tests,he has said schools need to renew their focus on literacy and numeracy as the foundations for student success.

"Until you've got improvement in literacy and numeracy,we are not going to see the gains that we want to be seeing,"he said.

The results of the latest Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) released last week painted a picture of long-term decline in Australian students'outcomes,with the most severe drops in maths. The results will be a key topic of discussion when education ministers meet this week.

The gathering will consider a suite of reform proposals put forward under the"Gonski 2.0"plan. In addition to learning progressions,ministers will discuss a review of the curriculum,the creation of an evidence institute,ensuring teachers are equipped to teach phonics,the future of NAPLAN testing,reducing red tape for teachers and the introduction of a unique student identifier.

Mr Tehan said education systems had drifted from fundamental priorities and people had to"step back and admit there has been too much focus on other things and they are wrong".

"I think some educational experts are finding it difficult to do that,"he said.

Peter Goss,school education program director at the Grattan Institute,said learning progressions were a tool to help teachers provide targeted instruction for students.

"In today's world,too many schools are having to create their own understanding of learning progressions. That's massively inefficient and probably also lower quality,"he said.

"[It's much better] to develop national learning progressions,offer them to schools along with resources that can help teachers use the learning progressions in practice."

Dr Goss warned the method was"no panacea"and needed to be implemented properly and carefully otherwise they would just add to teachers'workloads.

Fergus Hunter is a crime reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald. He previously reported on federal politics,education and communications at Parliament House in Canberra.

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