For born-again Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce,the past is another planet

Associate editor and special writer

Among the more peculiar things that happened when Barnaby Joycebecame Australia’s born-again Deputy Prime Minister was that as far as the Australian parliament is concerned,the Barnaby we once knew no longer exists.

He cannot be asked in parliament about anything he said before his latest political resurrection.

Newly reinstated Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce is back to lead the Nationals in their Coalition agreement with the Liberals.

Well,that’s not entirely accurate.

He can be asked.

But under the rules of Question Time,Barnaby the Renewed won’t beanswering.

Questions about the views of Barnaby the Prior were ruled out of order on his very first day in the job.

Joyce,as everyone knows,is a man who has spent his political career mouthing off on just about anything he feels inclined to mouth off about,which covers a great deal of territory. It’searned him headlines like “Barnaby Joyce:Rebel without a Pause Button”.

Why,in his first political incarnation as a senator hevoted against his own side no less than 28 times. No one else came close in the huffy business of crossing the floor.

Years ago he took a government trip to Antarctica and came back with the eye-popping view that Australia shouldstart mining the frozen continent to beat other countries to it.

His prognostications about the use of water in the Murray-Darling prompted a royal commission to accuse him ofignoring the law.

His confessions in a book he wrote concerning his personal behaviour - so outrageous he said he’d visit a “sacred rock” and fall to his knees in remorse and pray - remain compelling. Rich pickings for an Opposition,you might think.

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce during Question Time on Wednesday.

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce during Question Time on Wednesday.Alex Ellinghausen

But now,the things Joyce said he believed as recently as last week are out of bounds to those who’d like to inquire about them in parliament. What a fortunate fellow.

Given this state of affairs is surely beyond the understanding of all those of us who do not have the privilege of placing our posteriors on a House of Representatives bench,the following imponderable,from the first day of Joyce’s latest ascension,might assist.

Opposition leader Anthony Albanese referred Joyce during Question Time to his recently-declared view that the Murugappan asylum-seeking familyshould be allowed to return to the town of Biloela.

Albanese reminded the House that Joyce had said the Murugappan children,Tharnicaa and Kopika,were born in Australia,and “maybe if their names were Jane and Sally we’d think twice about sending them back to another country which they’re not from”.

Nades and Priya Murugappan with their daughters Kopika and Tharnicaa.

Nades and Priya Murugappan with their daughters Kopika and Tharnicaa.Supplied

Albanese wanted to know whether “in his capacity as Minister for Regional Development,does he[Joyce] still support the government letting Tharnicaa and Kopika and their family ... go back to Biloela in Queensland?”

Oh dear. Would the new Deputy Prime Minister give his own government an embarrassing spray over its stance against a little family who’d made a happy home in a Queensland country town before being locked up on Christmas Island?

Or would he,in his new exalted position as the second most important figure in the government,reverse his view and reveal himself as a hypocrite?

Peter Dutton,Minister for Defence and Leader of the House - which makes him responsible for arguing the government’s business - lumbered to his feet to prevent Joyce from answering at all.

“Mr Speaker,on a point of order. The purpose of Question Time is to hold ministers to account for their portfolio responsibilities,” Dutton began.

“This is not within the ministerial responsibilities of the Deputy Prime Minister,and that is very clear. As such,the question should be ruled out of order.”

The Opposition’s Tony Burke,unsurprisingly,countered that this was ridiculous. There were days,on this basis,where almost all questions to the government would be ruled out.

In the case of Albanese’s question to Joyce on the Biloela family,“this goes immediately to the impact on regional Australia,and whether the minister will be advocating in that way or not”,Burke said.

The ball,in short,was dropped for judgment into the court of Tony Smith,a Speaker considered even-handed compared with many of his predecessors,notably Bronwyn Bishop.

Defence Minister and Leader of the House Peter Dutton talks to Speaker Tony Smith during Question Time in May.

Defence Minister and Leader of the House Peter Dutton talks to Speaker Tony Smith during Question Time in May.Alex Ellinghausen

It wasn’t long ago that Smith shut down no less than Prime Minister Scott Morrison in Question Time,and said he couldn’t care less if the PM was happy with his ruling or not.

Smith opted for a very black-letter law approach to the Joyce question.

The new Deputy Prime Minister,the Speaker said,was being “asked about a quote from before he was the Deputy Prime Minister”.

“The practice makes it clear that ministers cannot be asked about their statements before becoming a minister,” said Smith,referring to the arcane rules compiled within a text calledHouse of Representatives Practice.

Smith quoted from the Practice:“Ministers can only be questioned on matters for which he or she is responsible or officially connected. A Minister may not be asked a question about his or her actions in a former ministerial role.

“He[Joyce] is being asked about a statement he made - let’s be clear for everybody watching - he made when he was a backbencher,not the Deputy Prime Minister,and this is made very clear,those questions are out of order,” said Smith.

So are we all clear on that?

The new Deputy Prime Minister is not accountable in Parliament for his own previously stated views.

If the Practice didn’t exist,you’d suspect a protection racket was at large.

Oh,and the Biloela family? Don’t ask. Obviously.

Tony Wright is the associate editor and special writer for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

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