Government executives face pay inquiry after extraordinary week

Top government executives face a sweeping inquiry into their pay and bonuses after the chairman of the corporate watchdog and boss of Australia Post stood aside in an extraordinary week of public sector expenses scandals.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said he was"very open"to a formal inquiry into the remuneration,tax arrangements and bonus structures of top public servants and the heads of government enterprises in an angry press conference on Friday. Mr Morrison said his decision to stand Australia Post chief Christine Holgate aside for giving four executives Cartier watches worth $19,950 should act as a"rocket"to all heads of government agencies as the nation grapples with a spike in unemployment and the worst recession in more than 90 years following the outbreak of COVID-19.

Australia Post boss Christine Holgate and ASIC chairman James Shipton have both stepped aside this week.

Australia Post boss Christine Holgate and ASIC chairman James Shipton have both stepped aside this week.Alex Ellinghausen

The government faces calls from Labor,the Greens and crossbench MPs to subject senior public servants and top government-appointed officials to greater scrutiny after Ms Holgate and Australian Securities and Investment Commission chairman James Shipton stood aside this week. Treasury revealed on Friday thattaxpayers were slugged with a $118,557 bill from accountancy firm KPMG to manage Mr Shipton's tax affairs when he relocated from the US to commence at ASIC in early 2018. ASIC initially approved the amount $4050 to be spent on Mr Shipton's tax advice.

"I think there wouldn't be a board member of a government agency or a CEO of a government agency that did not get my message yesterday,"Mr Morrison said."I think they got it with a rocket. And so,my advice to them is to get it."

The expenses scandals at ASIC is the subject of an investigation by Treasury while the departments of Finance and Communications are conducting an investigation into the payment of bonuses to executives at Australia Post.

The public outcry sparked by the awarding of luxury watches to Australia Post executives in 2018 has thrown a spotlight on its management and board,which was chaired by former Telstra executive John Stanhope at the time. Australia Post's embarrassment was compounded on Friday afternoon when it admitted its original$12,000 estimate for the value of the watches was too low.

Scott Morrison has put embattled Australia Post boss Christine Holgate on notice.

The Morrison government in September leaned on theboard of directors of Australia Post to veto more than $7 million of bonuses to its executive team. But it has not criticised National Broadband Network chief executive Stephen Rue who surpassed Ms Holgate this year to become the highest paid taxpayer-funded chief in the country,earning$3.1 million in the past financial year including a $1.2 million bonus.

The government says it will wait for the two reviews to finish before deciding whether to push ahead with an inquiry. It faces criticism of its own over the purchase of 12 hectares of land near Western Sydney Airport by the Department of Infrastructure for $30 million which was valued at $3 million.

"Poor old Christine Holgate stood aside,but who is standing aside over the $27 million of taxpayers’ money which was paid for a $3 million block of land in western Sydney?,"said Labor agriculture spokesman Joel Fitzgibbon.

Mr Shipton now faces an anxious wait over his future at the corporate watchdog. The tax bill from KPMG includes an invoice for assistance over penalties due to a late filing of a Massachusetts tax return in 2017 — dated before Mr Shipton started work in Australia. He has since agreed to repay the amount,while a further $78,266 worth of fringe benefits tax paid by the commission will be claimed by ASIC as a credit.

ASIC also paid for housing expenses on behalf of deputy chairman Daniel Crennan worth $750 a week,totalling $69,621,following a request for him to relocate from Melbourne to Sydney in January 2019. This was above the total remuneration package allowed. He has agreed to repay the claimed expenses.

Centre Alliance Senator Stirling Griff confirmed he would support an inquiry,while Greens leader Adam Bandt said he was"open to it"in addition to a broader inquiry into privatisation and corporatisation of government enterprises. The Greens are proposing a cap on executive salaries.

Independent Senator Rex Patrick said his default was to support inquiries,but wants to look at the details,including the willingness of the government to make their reports available to the Senate. Independent senator Jacqui Lambie indicated she would also be supportive.

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson said the details of Ms Holgate and Mr Shipton's expenses were"disturbing".

"Especially when the public are struggling to make ends meet,they will be furious,"Senator Hanson said. But she would not commit to supporting an inquiry,instead saying the auditors should have exposed these costs long beforehand.

ASIC chair James Shipton appearing via teleconference on Friday,and Labor MP Andrew Leigh (in foreground).

ASIC chair James Shipton appearing via teleconference on Friday,and Labor MP Andrew Leigh (in foreground).Alex Ellinghausen

Labor assistant treasury spokesman Andrew Leigh said his priority was to get to the bottom of the ASIC situation quickly but did not rule in or out backing an inquiry.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg ordered an independent review on Friday into the taxation advice given to Mr Shipton after the Auditor-General raised concerns.

"Following the review,Treasury will advise me on the findings of the review and any further course of action that may be appropriate,"Mr Frydenberg said.

A statement from Mr Shipton said ASIC would change procedures relating to approving expenses for relocation of staff to ensure there is oversight of those expenses by the commission.

He said he was reimbursing the taxation-related expenses paid by ASIC following his 2018 relocation from the US and he had told the Treasurer it was appropriate to stand aside during the review.

"Whilst I believe that I have acted properly and appropriately in this matter,I hold myself to the highest possible standard,"he said."I only took this position to serve the Australian community and to work to improve the corporate and financial system that should also serve it. If I any anyway impede that purpose,the right thing for me to do is to step aside until such time that I can."

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Jennifer Duke was an economics correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,based at Parliament House in Canberra.

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