HESTA,fund managers use $1 trillion stake to lobby for female executives

A major industry superannuation fund has teamed up with fund managers responsible for more than $1 trillion to lobby Australia's 200 biggest businesses to hire women in at least 40 per cent of executive jobs.

The 40:40 Vision campaign is led by 870,000-member strong HESTA,backed by IFM Investors,Aberdeen Standard Investments,BlackRock Australia,Ellerston Capital,Fidelity International,First Sentier Investors,Pendal Group and WaveStone Capital and aims to increase women's representation in the ASX200.

Debby Blakey,CEO of HESTA,has ramped up the fund's lobbying for gender parity.

Debby Blakey,CEO of HESTA,has ramped up the fund's lobbying for gender parity.Wayne Taylor

HESTA chief executive Debby Blakey said gender balance in senior leadership roles was considered by the fund to be a crucial risk-reduction strategy for the long-term future of workers'retirement funds and other super funds would be encouraged to join the push.

But the ramp up in activist behaviour from the super funds could further fuel tensions between super funds and policymakers. Assistant Minister for Superannuation Senator Jane Hume hasbeen critical of super funds campaigning on issues like climate change,industrial relations and the economic recovery,which she says is overstepping their role of improving retirement outcomes for workers.

The latest Chief Executive Women ASX200 Senior Executive Census found a small increase in executive leadership team roles over the last four years but 65 per cent have no women in executive leadership team roles with profit and loss responsibility,up from 57 per cent in 2019.

"This is 2020,that is really quite shocking,"Ms Blakey said."When we invest in companies we are looking to achieve really good long-term returns for our members and we actually see gender balance as a good indicator of a well-rounded future focused organisation."

The Australian Council of Superannuation Investors,Chief Executive Women,the Workplace Gender Equality Agency and the 30% Club have also pledged support to the campaign.

"The next step will be getting super funds on board but we have a good indication many super funds are passionate about these issues and also many super funds have a strong commitment to work collaboratively,"Ms Blakey said."We are expecting a number will join us."

Ms Blakey recentlysent a letter to ASX200 companies to inform chief executives and chairmen the superannuation fund would be approaching the upcoming annual general meeting season with emissions,fair executive pay and gender parity in mind when voting.

Following this letter being made public,Liberal MP Tim Wilson,chair of the House Economics Committee and a vocal critic of some parts of the super industry,sent 25 questions on notice to super funds asking about plans for their own gender quotas and greenhouse gas emissions and within their investment portfolios.

The questions included whether funds have a target for gender non-binary employees in the senior executive team and whether funds would divest from companies failing to reach their emissions targets.

Ms Blakey said the fund did not intend to sell down its stake in businesses failing to align with these campaigns but would instead continue to lobby at meetings with senior executives and boards and using voting power.

"We have such a strong belief that our seat at the table to engage on these issues is absolutely critical,"she said.

Jennifer Duke was an economics correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,based at Parliament House in Canberra.

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