'Insufficient evidence':AFP drops investigation into John Setka

The Australian Federal Police has dropped its investigation into controversial union leader John Setka over allegations he criminally threatened crossbench senators in a bid to sway their vote on the government's union-busting legislation.

Centre Alliance senators Rex Patrick and Stirling Griff and Tasmanian senator Jacqui Lambie last monthaccused Mr Setka of intimidation over the Construction,Forestry,Maritime,Mining and Energy Union secretary's expletive-ridden spray,warning they would"wear the consequences"if they voted for the bill.

The AFP has dropped an investigation into John Setka.

The AFP has dropped an investigation into John Setka.AAP

TheSydney Morning Herald and The Age have confirmed the AFP did not proceed with its investigation of Mr Setka,whoquit the Labor party this week,after concluding there was insufficient evidence of illegal conduct.

A spokesman for the Australian Federal Police said in a statement the matter had been"assessed in accordance with standard AFP protocols"and that"during this process,the AFP was unable to obtain sufficient evidence to warrant an investigation".

"The AFP considers this matter finalised,"the spokesman said.

The Senate's privileges committee isconducting a separate investigation into whether Mr Setka should be held in contempt for attempting to"improperly interfere with the free performance"of senators'duties.

If Mr Setka is found in contempt by the privileges committee,the Senate could impose penalties including jail time - although such a penalty has not been imposed for more than 70 years.

Negotiations over the controversial Ensuring Integrity bill,which if passed will make it easier for the government to deregister law-breaking unions and ban officials,will come to a head after a Senate inquiry into the bill reports on Friday.

Senator Patrick ispushing for amendments to ensure the bill does not"interfere with the good work that unions do",some of which Attorney General and Industrial Relations MinisterChristian Porter has indicated he is willing to consider,such as forfeiting ministerial power to apply for union deregistration.

The government,which does not have a majority in the Senate,needs four of six crossbench votes to pass the bill which is opposed by Labor and the Greens.

Centre Alliance controls two votes,as does One Nation,which has not taken a position yet.

Senator Lambie has said she willvote for the bill if Mr Setka does not resign from his role as CFMMEU Victorian construction branch secretary.

Independent senator Cory Bernardi is expected to vote with the government.

The Senate inquiry report is expected to recommended the Ensuring Integrity bill pass,with dissenting comments from Labor and the Greens,as the government has the deciding vote on the committee.

The Senate is expected to consider the legislation when it next sits in mid-November.

Labor senator Deborah O'Neill,who is on the committee,said she hoped the crossbench senators would head the warnings of unions,human rights lawyers and religious groups who told the Senate inquiry hearings the bill would infringe on Australians'freedom of association.

She urged the crossbench senators to reject the bill,including any amended version.

"You can't put lipstick on a pig,"Senator O'Neill said.

Business groups including the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry,the NSW Chamber of Commerce,AI Group and Master Builders of Australia gave evidence in support of the bill.

Dana Daniel was a federal health reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age in Canberra.

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