Is politics really this lonely?

We know federal politics can be a lonely profession,sometimes leading to unfortunate adventures in places as exotic as,oh,Hong Kong or naughty Fyshwick,but really,could it be THIS lonely?

An ageing senator named Brian Burston does not necessarily strike the casual observer as the stereotypical subject of propositional desire.

Senators Pauline Hanson and Brian Burston in the Senate last year.

Senators Pauline Hanson and Brian Burston in the Senate last year.Alex Ellinghausen

You wouldn’t confuse him in a bar,or anywhere,really,with,say,George Clooney.

Nevertheless,Burston has made the head-exploding claim that Pauline Hanson had “propositioned” him over the years.

The first time Hanson “hit on me”,says Burston,was in the wonderfully exotic Rooty Hill RSL Club.

Hanson,you’d be unsurprised to know,denies any such thing,and it appears her chief of staff was so incensed he decided to drive home the point by hitting on Burston in a more direct manner. Blood,it is claimed,was drawn.

Ms Hanson hardly needed defending:she countered Burston’s claims with magnificent disdain,declaring she “wouldn’t go near him[Burston] with a barge pole”.

“I’m 64 and I tell you what,I’m not that desperate,” she said on TV.

Visibly amused,Nationals MP Pauline Hanson denies allegations that she sexually harassed her colleague Senator Brian Burston while listening to the national anthem,among other alleged incidents. Vision:Sky News

Senator Brian Burston holding up a bandaged hand he says was injured during a fight with James Ashby on Wednesday night.

Senator Brian Burston holding up a bandaged hand he says was injured during a fight with James Ashby on Wednesday night.Alex Ellinghausen

A more crushing riposte to the 70-year-old Burston’s claim to be all but irresistible could barely be imagined.

Burston has his charms,however:after Burston quit Hanson’s One Nation some time ago,Clive Palmer felt moved enough to seduce Burston in the political sense,installing him as the one and only Senator of Clive’s United Australia Party.

Meanwhile,it has emerged Burston was accused last year of offering to provide his personal sexual services to cheer up a distressed staff member. Unaccountably,the woman says she declined.

If these mind-blowing claims and counter claims were not enough,enter James Ashby,apparently intent on restoring Ms Hanson’s honour with physical force.

Ashby,you might recall,was central to the spectacular downfall some years ago of his old boss,Peter “Slippery Pete” Slipper,the magnificently robed Speaker of the House of Representatives until text messages sent by him to Ashby began appearing on the front pages of newspapers.

Among the hundreds of texts were what became known as “vile anatomical references to women’s parts”. It all became very messy indeed,with Ashby accusing Mr Speaker of sexual harassment before years of even messier claims ended up in the courts.

Ashby these days is chief of staff and furious defender of Pauline Hanson.

It is now widely reported,with photographic evidence,that Ashby and Burston found themselves in a physical melee in the federal parliament’s Great Hall on Wednesday night,a place normally free of martial combat.

Though details remain blurred and Burston and Ashby remain in conflict over who started it,images have appeared that Burston says shows blood on his hand.

Politics may be lonely,but suddenly,the Parliament seems full to bursting with bizarre interactions,alleged or actual.

Tony Wright is the associate editor and special writer for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

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