Jim Molan to return to Senate after Morrison,Howard backing

Former Operation Sovereign Border special envoy Jim Molan will return to the Senate after the Liberal Party backed him to take the vacancy created by Arthur Sinodinos'departure.

Mr Molan was elected to the Senate in December 2017 after former Nationals deputy leader Fiona Nash was forced out during the dual citizenship scandal that year,but was placed in an unwinnable position for the May federal election and subsequently lost his spot.

But the Liberal state council held in Sydney on Sunday endorsed Mr Molan over his closest rival,insurance industry lobbyist Richard Shields,321 votes to 260 votes.

Jim Molan after his successful bid for the Senate vacancy in Sydney on Sunday.

Jim Molan after his successful bid for the Senate vacancy in Sydney on Sunday.Edwina Pickles

The two-year vacancy was created after Prime Minister Scott Morrison appointed Senator Sinodinos to be Australia's Ambassador to the United States,succeeding former treasurer Joe Hockey.

The vote was widely seen as a test of Mr Morrison's authority,with Mr Molan unpopular among the party's Moderate and Right factions after running a"below-the-line"campaign at the election.

However,the Right did formally endorse Mr Molan after an intervention from Mr Morrison and other Liberal heavyweights,including former prime minister John Howard.

Mr Molan received 277 first preference votes to Mr Shields'153 while 81 votes were cast for St Vincent's Hospital heart surgeon Michael Feneley.

Former Liberal MP Peter Hendy,who went on to be a senior adviser for Malcolm Turnbull and secured the backing of former foreign minister Alexander Downer,received five votes.

Mr Molan told Sky News Australia on Sunday that he had yet to speak to Mr Morrison.

"I believe he's actually running the country and probably running the fire relief at the moment. But I hope we can speak this evening some time,"he said."In all probability[Senator Sinodinos] will soon resign and that will then clear the route for me to go into the Senate.''

Senator Sinodinos leaves Parliament after eight years,including several as a senior minister in the Turnbull government. He was previously Mr Howard's chief-of-staff.

Mr Molan has spent decades in the Australian Defence Force,including as chief-of-operations during its 2003 deployment in Iraq.

He was dropped to an unwinnable position on the Coalition's Senate ticket in May after losing a preselection to the Centre Right's Hollie Hughes and the Moderate faction's Andrew Bragg.

Kylar Loussikian is the Financial Review's Deputy editor - Business

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