Landlords tipped to claim billions more in tax losses as homes sit vacant

Australia's 2 million landlords will miss out on billions of dollars in rental income over the next two years as tenants struggle to pay.

Australian Taxation Office assistant commissioner Karen Foat predicts tax time will reveal a significant rise in negatively geared investors who typically claim a tax deduction when rental income does not cover the expense of owning the property.

With some tenants struggling to pay rent,the flow-on effect is likely to be more negatively geared investors.

With some tenants struggling to pay rent,the flow-on effect is likely to be more negatively geared investors.Peter Rae

In a typical financial year,landlords collectively declare to the Australian Taxation Office about $43 billion in total rent and $47 billion in deductions,Ms Foat said. About 60 per cent of rental properties are negatively geared.

"But we also know that this year,there's a lot of landlords who are receiving a reduced amount of rent,whether that's because their tenants are paying less,or unable to pay at all,or if their property is sitting vacant,"she said.

"We would anticipate that there is going to be a greater number of people whose properties end up negatively geared because they still claim the expenses but they are likely to have some level of reduced rent."

This could lead to an extra $2 billion worth of losses claimed at tax time on estimates from SQM Research managing director Louis Christopher. He suspects a national 2.5 per cent decline in aggregate rents for the 2020 financial year,and a 2.5 per cent decline for the following year,bringing total rental income down to $40.9 billion.

Mr Christopher,whose company collects vacancy data and tracks market rents,said Sydney and Melbourne had been the"hardest hit"due to international border closures draining the market of short-term visitors,leading to more homes available on the standard rental market. In some inner CBD areas,more than one in 10 homes now sits vacant.

"The result of that is a rapid increase of supply in the inner-city areas for Sydney and Melbourne,as well as Brisbane to a lesser extent,which has created a major rise in rental vacancy rates and downward pressure on rent,"he said.

However,Real Estate Institute of Australia president Adrian Kelly said the scenario was a"watch and wait"situation for the property industry,with eviction restrictions in many states and territories coming to an end in September.

"We've been making the federal government very much aware of the problem we've got coming in terms of what do we do with these tenants,because evicting them out on the street isn't going to be a great outcome for anybody,"Mr Kelly said.

"We need a form of rental assistance for these people and the government is very aware of that."

He estimates about 5 per cent of tenants are in the precarious position of being unable to pay their full rent and facing accruing rental arrears.

However,some experts are predicting the rental market will bounce back relatively quickly.

PRD chief economist Diaswati Mardiasmo said previous crises,like the Asian Bird Flu and the Global Financial Crisis,also had a quick doubling in vacancy rates as tenants struggled financially but these recovered relatively quickly.

"We are at an all-time high[vacancy rate compared to] the past 15 years,"Dr Mardiasmo said.

"However,if we look at it from a health pandemic[and] financial crisis shock perspective we as a nation have been through this before and we have recovered,"she said.

"With this we may see an increase in landlords negative gearing due to less rental prices and lost occupancy of their rental property,which is not uncommon nor surprising."

While some landlords have been able to freeze their mortgage for six months or delay council rate payments,she said"they will need to pay"eventually and in some cases this could be a bigger bill due to compounding interest.

Property research firm CoreLogic head of research Eliza Owen said rental incomes dropped about 0.5 per cent in Sydney and Melbourne between March and May.

"More severe deterioration in rental markets has been quite localised,and we expect that to continue in the second half of 2020,"Ms Owen said.

"Rental price growth should stabilise once domestic restrictions on gatherings have eased,the labour market has improved,and interstate travel sees excess Airbnb stock withdrawn from the long term rental market."

Jennifer Duke was an economics correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,based at Parliament House in Canberra.

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