Leaders urged to help thousands affected by funeral insurer collapse

More than 120 community organisations have written to the Coalition and Labor urging them to compensate Indigenous people left empty-handed after a controversial funeral insurance provider’s funds collapsed earlier this year.

All four funeral funds run by the Queensland-based Youpla Group went into liquidation in March,after the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) wrote to the group’s directors urging them to take public action over concerns regarding the financial viability of its funds.

Mark Holden from Mob Strong Debt Help and Lynda Edwards from Financial Counselling Australia have both spoken out about the issue.

Mark Holden from Mob Strong Debt Help and Lynda Edwards from Financial Counselling Australia have both spoken out about the issue.Supplied.

The move left members,who were primarily Indigenous,without any funeral coverage.

In Senate Estimates earlier this month,Senators were told there were around 17,000 policyholders at the time of liquidation.

Separately,Financial Services Minister Jane Hume also claimed at the estimates hearing that Youpla was a “shonky business” and accused it of “predatory behaviour”.

The Save Sorry Business Coalition,made up of advocacy groups,churches,legal organisations,and Aboriginal bodies,has now penned an open letter to the Treasurer and his opposition counterpart - seen by theHerald and theAge- begging for assistance.

"Funerals and Sorry Business play a special cultural role in First Nations communities,"the letter says.

"Over ten thousand First Nations People have lost access to a product they have paid for,and we must act."

ASIC began proceedings in the Federal Court against Youpla Group and one of its subsidiaries,ACBF Funeral Plans,in 2020.

ASIC alleged ACBF had engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct and made false and misleading representations.

ASIC alleged ACBF made false implied representations which included suggesting it was Aboriginal-owned or managed,had approval from Aboriginal communities,and that its plan was more beneficial to Aboriginal consumers than other insurance products available.

It also alleged the ACBF suggested that plan holders would get a lump sum of their benefit amount when they would only be reimbursed for funeral-related expenses up to their benefit amount.

ASIC’s litigation against Youpla has been stayed after it entered liquidation and voluntary administration. ASIC will decide whether it will discontinue the proceedings or not at the Federal Court in June.

Wangkumara and Barkindji woman Lynda Edwards,who is also the financial capability coordinator at Financial Counselling Australia,said the collapse of the funds had been devastating for the Indigenous families affected.

“We are calling on whoever forms government after the election to set up a compensation scheme to alleviate the hardship and trauma that is already being felt in First Nations communities across Australia,"she said.

Mark Holden,a Dunghutti man and solicitor at Mob Strong Debt Help,said he'd been inundated with calls over the issue.

“We have been getting thousands of calls from Mob who are very distressed and desperate. There are no legal options here which would help get back their money or even pay for their funeral,” he said.

"It is especially hard talking to Elders who are calling through who have given so much of themselves to the community."

Senator Hume said there were several state government departments and land councils around the country people could contact for help.

"In 2020,as recommended by the Hayne Royal Commission,the Morrison government introduced licensing requirements for funeral expense service providers. ACBF was not granted a licence,"she said.

"I want to make sure that the people affected are aware of the help available across the country. No Australian will be left unable to bury their loved one with dignity."

Youpla Group and SV Partners,the liquidator of the funeral funds,have been contacted for comment.

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Cameron Gooley is a Gamilaroi man and the Indigenous affairs reporter at the Sydney Morning Herald.

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