Liberalism is better with a dose of populist wisdom

Columnist and communications adviser

What a rebirththe NATO meeting in Madrid has been. Just a handful of years ago,there was global hand-wringing over the death of social democracy,and yet here it was in all its righteous glory,getting behind a glittering version of liberalism not imagined possible since the end of the End of History.

Newly-elected Labor Prime Minister Anthony Albanese joined on the world stage United States Democrat President Joe Biden,German Social Democratic Chancellor Olaf Scholz,Canadian (left) Liberal Party Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,New Zealand Labour Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern,French liberal centrist Emmanuel Macron and green-washed British Conservative Party Prime Minister Boris Johnson. And they were welcomed to the meeting by Spain’s Socialist Workers Party Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez.

Boris Johnson meets Anthony Albanese at the NATO leaders’ summit in Madrid on Wednesday.

Boris Johnson meets Anthony Albanese at the NATO leaders’ summit in Madrid on Wednesday.Alex Ellinghausen

How glorious to see such statespersonship,including from our very own prime minister. How wonderful,as Twitter said and the rhapsodasicalreportage implied,not to have to be embarrassed by our leader as he mingled with the leaders of the free world. Banded together against the Russian aggressor,celebrating the power of free trade,the gathering was enough to provoke a nostalgic tear,even from conservatives,for the golden years of the millennium.

But at what price was this moment of purity and goodness obtained? And will there be a price to pay for it in the future?

If we fail to ask this question,we will have failed to learn the lessons of the very recent past. Because the “return to normal” isn’t the result of a rejection of populism,it is to a considerable degree because the period of populism worked.

Former US president Donald Trump,for all his many faults (and the rap sheet is extending as I write),is in some ways the saviour of liberalism. Bear with me here.

World leaders gather in Madrid for the NATO leaders’ summit.

World leaders gather in Madrid for the NATO leaders’ summit.Getty Images

When Trump became president,he introduced tariffs on imports of Chinese goods to the US. This was a shock to a Western world order which had grown up with the idea that free trade is crucial to prosperity and peace. But Trump’s insight was that the Chinese government had begun to exploit the West’s faith in free trade to engage in something which simulated it but skewed it,creating leverage for the government of China,while resisting the pacifying force of voluntary and mutually beneficial exchange.

To curb this,Trump slapped tariffs on Chinese goods. Predictably,this pushed up prices for consumers. But Trump’s tariffs had another effect:the political fallout put an end to the pretence that China was simply a society developing its way peacefully to freedom. The Chinese govetrnment’s reaction highlighted the West’s over-reliance on the autocratic nation as both a source of cheap goods and an irresistibly huge market to sell into. Trump showed the world that trade was a chess move for the Chinese government and free-marketeers had come perilously close to putting us into checkmate.

Similarly, Trump saw through Russia’s gas ploy. Russian President Vladimir Putin saw such a strong strategic advantage from Nord Stream mark one gas pipeline that he undertook to build a second gas pipeline transporting the Russian fuel that countries like Germany needed to go “green”. Trump warned against it and,in 2019,signed a law imposing sanctions on any firm that helped build Nord Stream 2,on the basis that the pipeline posed a security risk to Europe. Again,events have proven him right and liberalism’s idealists wrong.

This foresight should not be written off as the luck of the savant. Rather,it is a warning that the eternal sunshine of the liberal mind can be an inbuilt handicap. AsFinancial Times columnist Janan Ganesh wrote recently,“It takes a cynicism about human nature,even a certain roughness,to comprehend the threat posed by the enemies of the West. Liberalism can lack this reptilian vigilance.”

Donald Trump imposed tariffs on Chinese products.

Donald Trump imposed tariffs on Chinese products.AP

We will now never find out if a leader might have emerged who could have unmasked the autocrats and reset international relations while cocking his pinkie among his couth kind,but we can say that previous presidents,despite their sophisticatedly rare steaks and soaring rhetoric,did not.

Likewise,while Boris Johnson is now celebrated by liberals for the greening of Britain,it was not such a long time hence that he was the populist villain of Brexit. Brexit is still decried by the free-marketeers enamoured of the internationalist club of the European Union but,while it may not have been the most economically rational move,there is evidence that it has solved many social problems.

Who would have guessed that Brexit,which was driven by a sense that Britain had lost its sovereignty and with it control over its borders,would lead to a greater acceptance of immigration? Johnson perhaps? Because polls have found that,while immigration to Britain has increased since Brexit,people are no longer anxious about it. In fact,in most areas of life, British citizens now regard people born elsewhere who have moved to Britain as a net positive.

It seems that a spoonful of populism makes the liberal project possible. Or,in more direct terms,that liberalism is a set of academic ideas which need to be corrected by populism – aka,the people.

Trump has now been democratically discarded and Johnson is trying to reinvent himself as a leading light of liberality. But as the new liberal leadership cohort extends NATO and once again congratulates itself on having solved history,or at least found the right side of it,leaders should privately ask themselves two crucial questions:“what would a populist do in my position”,and “what will the next populism be sparked by”.

The winners of democratic contests like to tell themselves that voters never get it wrong. In which case,they haven’t in recent history either.

Parnell Palme McGuinness is managing director at campaigns firm Agenda C. She has done work for the Liberal Party and the German Greens.

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