Liberals push to install disability campaigner as Warringah candidate

The Liberal Party is set to install disability campaigner David Brady as its candidate to take on Zali Steggall in the formerly blue ribbon seat of Warringah,as the clock ticks down towards a federal intervention in the NSW division.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s deadline for state party officials to endorse three sitting MPs flew past on Monday and the federal executive is scheduled to meet on Thursday to consider intervening to choose candidates in nine crucial NSW seats.

Disability campaigner David Brady has been approached by senior Liberals to run for the seat of Warringah.

Disability campaigner David Brady has been approached by senior Liberals to run for the seat of

In Warringah,a prized Liberal stronghold until it was lost by former prime minister Tony Abbott at the last election,only one formal nominee remains – defence analyst Lincoln Parker – afterfront-runner Jane Buncle suddenly withdrew in January.

But senior Liberals,unimpressed by Mr Parker,went searching for alternative candidates and have approached Mr Brady as the best person to revive the party’s fortunes in the seat and make inroads against Ms Steggall,even if he is unlikely to win.

Possible Warringah Liberal candidate,Lincoln Parker.

Possible Warringah Liberal candidate,Lincoln Parker.Sky News

Mr Brady is president of the Waverton-Wollstonecraft branch and runs the NSW Liberal Party’s disability policy committee (he was born deaf). He has been campaigning for a spot on the Liberal Senate ticket,but party sources say he has been convinced to run for the lower house seat.

He lives in nearby Willoughby,and his great uncle was the late federal government minister and Federal Court chief justice Nigel Bowen. Several supporters described him as a “very good public speaker”.

Described by some party figures as “the red-hot favourite”,Mr Brady would most likely be installed without a preselection by the party’s federal executive or through a last-minute deal among state party officials,which would require 90 per cent agreement.

On his website Mr Brady emphasises his belief in individual freedom with “minimal government interference”,and describes himself as “the living embodiment of the Liberal philosophy:‘individuals should decide their destinies,not governments’.”

Save Women’s Sport founder Katherine Deves.

Save Women’s Sport founder Katherine Deves.Supplied

Many Liberals prefer Mr Brady to another option,Katherine Deves,a lawyer and founder of lobby group Save Women’s Sport. They fear her opposition to transgender women participating in women’s sporting teams would cost the party not just in Warringah but in neighbouring seats.

Ms Deves’ nomination was previously rejected as her Liberal Party membership had lapsed. A few hours after theHeraldrevealed Ms Steggall hadreceived $100,000 in undisclosed donations from the family trust of coal millionaire John Kinghorn,Ms Deves emailed the party’s state executive asking for another opportunity to stand for preselection.

Ms Buncle,a barrister who had been amassing support in the seat since the 2019 election,has not statedpublicly why she withdrew from the race. But senior Liberals say she was unhappy with the drawn-out preselection process,which was complicated by Mr Morrison’s unsuccessful efforts to recruit former NSW premiers Mike Baird and Gladys Berejiklian for the job.

While Liberals believe Ms Steggall is safe on her 7.2 per cent margin,they are confident they can claw back some votes Mr Abbott lost in 2019 and put the seat in play for 2025. TheHerald emailed Mr Brady for comment on Tuesday.

With the federal election now expected in just two months,the party’s federal executive led by Mr Morrison will this week move to break an impasse in the NSW division over preselections in eight other seats,including three held by sitting MPs Alex Hawke,Sussan Ley and Trent Zimmerman,as well as Hughes,Bennelong,Parramatta,Dobell and Eden Monaro.

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Michael Koziol is Sydney Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald,based in our Sydney newsroom. He was previously deputy editor of The Sun-Herald and a federal political reporter in Canberra.

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