Government dumps controversial pay-deal change from proposed IR overhaul

The Morrison government has dumped a controversial plan to give businesses two years to strike pay deals that left workers worse off in the face of opposition from crossbenchers,Labor and unions.

An industrial overhaul introduced to Parliament last year would have allowed businesses affected by the coronavirus pandemic to negotiate worker pay and conditions that were below industry minimums,as long as the industrial umpire agreed.

Industrial Relations Minister Christian Porter has previously said he is prepared to compromise to get the IR bill through.

Industrial Relations Minister Christian Porter has previously said he is prepared to compromise to get the IR bill through.Alex Ellinghausen

But critics,including crossbenchers who are key to the bill’s fate,argued the change to the “better off overall test” (BOOT),a key safeguard in Australia’s workplace system,would have let unscrupulous bosses ram through enterprise agreements that lowered pay.

On Tuesday,when the bill was scheduled for debate in Parliament,a government party room meeting decided not to proceed with that aspect of the bill.

The abandonment of the measure shifts the spotlight to other aspects of the bill,which still includes modifications to the enterprise agreement approval process.

Industrial Relations Minister Christian Porter said the changes to a “modest” part of the bill,which will now be up for formal debate later in the week,were a compromise with the crossbench to help get the broader package through Parliament.

Labor is stepping up its fight over industrial relations changes with a national advertising campaign featuring a knife-brandishing chef who accuses PM Scott Morrison of slashing wages and conditions.

“It does also have another upside,which is that it removes the smokescreen that Labor have created as to why it might be that Labor would notsupport tougher penalties to stamp out wage theft,” Mr Porter said in question time.

Those penalties,along withincreased rights for casuals doing regular,predictable shifts over six months to be offered permanent positions,are in the bill.

Labor believes the conversion of casuals will not be effective because workers cannot easily appeal if their boss refuses to convert them and is concerned the underpayment laws willoverride laws passed by state Labor governments.

On Tuesday,its industrial relations spokesman,Tony Burke,said although the government had dropped the two-year BOOT changes,“we now know ... they want to cut workers’ take-home pay”.

Australian Council of Trade Unions president Michele O’Neil pointed to a raft of other issues unions had with the pay-bargaining process under the bill,such as shorter target times for the industrial commission to assess whether enterprise agreements left workers better off.

“Its role[is] reduced to a ‘tick and flick’ with unreasonably short time limits,” Ms O’Neil said.

That change is meant to streamline the process of approving agreements,which on average leave workers with much higher pay than those on the fallback industry awards.

The government’s move came after One Nation,which controls two of five Senate crossbench votes,dialled up the pressure on the government,declaring on Monday the government should dump the BOOT changes to show it was negotiating in good faith.

Its industrial relations spokesman,Malcolm Roberts,said he was pleased with the government’s decision. But he said:“There’s a lot of work that needs to be done.”

Major business groups disagreed,saying the removal of the two-year BOOT change should be enough to address concerns.

“If we fail to make these important changes to the system,we risk condemning Australia to the slow lane and missing out on opportunities,” Business Council of Australia chief executive Jennifer Westacott said.

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Nick Bonyhady is a technology writer for the Australian Financial Review,based in Sydney. He is a former technology editor,industrial relations and politics reporter at the Sydney Morning Herald and Age.

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