Morrison government's big stick should be pointing at itself

Political and international editor

In 1992 the supreme leader of China at the time,Deng Xiaoping,remarked that"the Middle East has its oil,China has rare earths". China dominates world trade in rare earths,as vital to the computer and electronics economy as oil is to the industrial economy. And today the world confronts a situation where supply of both strategic commodities is at risk.

Dawn footage shows fire raging at what is said to be one of the Aramco factories in Abqaiq,Saudi Arabia,hit by a drone strike.

A single attack on a Saudi oil facility on the weekendknocked out half its output,temporarily at least,removing about 5 per cent of all world oil production. The price of oil on world markets jumped by about 10 per cent on Monday in response. The system will respond and the world economy will cope. The worry is not so much this attack as where it's leading.

The source of the attack,whether directly or indirectly,is Iran,the great regional and religious rival to the Saudis. And this is a clash that is still escalating,with the US standing behind Saudi Arabia. The potential for much more serious oil interruption is large.

Australia,with its pathetically inadequate three-week supply of oil,is exposed. At the same time,China has been threatening to choke off supply of rare earths. This is a group of 17 metals that are essential for making civilian items like mobile phones and electric vehicles as well as military hardware including precision-guided missiles and night vision goggles.

Rare earths are misleadingly named. They are not very rare. But where they occur they are often highly concentrated. China has about a quarter of known deposits,but a far bigger share of world supply of refined rare earths - 85 per cent,crushingly dominant.

Illustration:Andrew Dyson

Illustration:Andrew Dyson

In May,the Chinese Communist Party's main mouthpiece,thePeople's Daily,carried a front-page threat to cut off exports to the US as the trade and technology war escalated."Don't say we didn't warn you,"was the punchline. It's a phrase redolent with meaning – Beijing used it before hostilities with India in 1962 and Vietnam in 1979.

And China has used its power over supply to punish other countries in the past,notably against Japan from 2010-13 during territorial dispute. As a result of that experience,Japan gave hefty help to an Australian rare earths company,Lynas Corporation.

And one effect of China's threat to the US in May was to produce a 15 per cent spike in the price of Lynas shares. Lynas is"the only major strategic supplier of rare earths in the West",says a resources analyst at the Australian stockbroking house Curran&Co,Andrew White.

Illustration:Dionne Gain

Illustration:Dionne Gain

Another effect was to focus the attention of the US government."In the last year,congressional committees in DC are suddenly waking up that we need to have a plan to protect rare earth supplies to critical defence platforms and high tech industry that can't function without these materials,"US congressman Joe Courtney tells me."Time is of the essence,"says Courtney,a member of the House Armed Services Committee and chair of its Seapower and Projection Forces subcommittee.

While Australia produces rare earths,it doesn't have the manufacturing capability to actually use any,according to White. So there's no local industry exposed to a Chinese export ban. But,of course,Australia relies on the US for its sophisticated military hardware,among other things,so it's exposed indirectly.

Congressman Courtney says that options for the US now range from government subsidies to research agencies to develop alternative solutions,to seed funding for individual rare earth ventures. And,he said,because of the US-Australia alliance,and the fact that Australia is a major source of rare earths,"this is an issue with perfect alignment for us to get a common policy"with Australia.

Scott Morrison is due to work on that alignment when he meets Donald Trump in Washington this week. The Australian government published a report two weeks ago listing 15 potential mining and processing projects in Australia for producing rare earths and other"critical minerals". The estimated cost of developing all of them would total $5.7 billion."A secure and stable supply is vital for Australia and for the global community,with critical minerals crucial for a wide range of high-tech products including in defence,"Australia's Defence Minister,Linda Reynolds,said on Monday.
"Australia has a key role in supporting this global market,because of our significant deposits of critical minerals."

Reynolds,a former brigadier in the Australian army,has been working on this issue for five years,long before she became minister. Australia has also held talks with Britain,France and NATO,says Reynolds,"to make sure we have a functioning market in critical minerals,and to foster healthy competition".

A satellite image shows thick black smoke rising from Saudi Aramco's Abqaiq oil processing facility. Riyadh reports that fires have now been extinguished.

A satellite image shows thick black smoke rising from Saudi Aramco's Abqaiq oil processing facility. Riyadh reports that fires have now been extinguished.AP

Of course,it would have been smarter for the US – and Australia – to do this when China cut its rare earths supply to Japan. But the US and Australia were both complacent. We only have the Lynas supply because of the prudent foresight of the Japanese government.

And,if Australia were smart,it would now act on the Saudi interruption to develop a proper oil contingency plan. The Morrison government might at least finish the Department of Energy report,now very late,on the options.

And,if Australia were smart,above and beyond the specifics of oil and rare earths,it would develop an overall resilience plan. Theformer Liberal senator Jim Molan also a former major general in the Australian army,has been calling for such a plan. For years."There's no organisation in Australia that looks across the entire nation and says,'what are our vulnerabilities – in food,in pharmaceuticals,in water,in energy,in spare parts for missiles and other military equipment',"says Molan."Only the prime minister can create one."But that would be if Australia were smart. At the moment it remains dully,obdurately complacent.

The Morrison government,which does not even have an energy policy,this week wants the Parliament to pass its so-called"big stick"legislation. This would allow the government to force divestment of assets by electricity companies that don't do as the government tells them. There's a better idea. The government could use a big stick to knock some sense into itself and think about Australia's national resilience. Look around the world. The time for complacency is past.

Peter Hartcher is international editor.

Peter Hartcher is political editor and international editor of The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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