No festive cheer in sight on the last day of federal Parliament

Associate editor and special writer

The Prime Minister accused the opposition of attacking his religious faith,cabinet minister Angus Taylor claimed Labor had joined an anti-Semitic attack on him and Speaker Tony Smith barely had time to breathe between throwing swags of MPs out of the fury that was the House of Representatives.

To say there was a lack of festive spirit as the parliament broke up for the Christmas season is to drastically understate the unpleasantness.

There was little evidence of the spirit of Christmas on the floor of the House of Representatives on Thursday.

There was little evidence of the spirit of Christmas on the floor of the House of Representatives on Thursday.Alex Ellinghausen

The mood turned thunderous in the morning when Scott Morrison tried to ram through his union-busting legislation - the so-called Ensuring Integrity Bill - that had been voted down in the Senate only last week.

Anthony Albanese's opposition was loudly furious,declaring the government's refusal to allow debate on the bill was anti-democratic. The Prime Minister spent the day describing the would-be legislation as an effort to"stand up against thugs".

Labor introduced a motion describing the government's tactic as"a prime ministerial tantrum,with the Prime Minister of Australia behaving like a juvenile schoolyard bully just because he didn't get his way last week".

By the time question time rolled around,a brawl was just about guaranteed.

Government backbenchers framed the start of almost every Dorothy Dixer with words along the lines of"we know Australia is the greatest country in the world"before inquiring sweetly how the government was making it even better.

Parliament ended for the year on Thursday.

Parliament ended for the year on Thursday.Alex Ellinghausen

But when Labor's deputy leader,Richard Marles,demanded to know why Morrison didn't believe in integrity and accountability,and followed it with a grab-bag of alleged examples,the Prime Minister was primed to explode.

Marles cited the the anti-union Bill,Morrison's phone call to the NSW Police Commissioner to inquire about the investigation into Angus Taylor,why Morrison was sacked as chief executive of Tourism Australia,and why he had wantedthe pastor of Hillsong Church,Brian Houston,to attend a special dinner at the White House.

"This is question time,it's not smear time,"bellowed Morrison.

And he accused the Opposition of attacking his faith (Morrison is a member of the Pentecostal movement,Hillsong is one of the best-known Pentecostal churches and he has named Pastor Houston as a mentor).

With the Labor MPs in uproar at Morrison's accusation that they had attacked his faith,Morrison refused to withdraw.

"That's what you did,that's what you did,"he declared.

As if things couldn't go further downhill,Angus Taylor went spare when tackled about whether he had been making things up when he related in his first speech that he had been at Oxford University with"a young Naomi Wolf".

Wolf has denied she was anywhere near Oxford when Taylor was there,and accused him of an"anti-Semitic dogwhistle"by relating how a group of American students had waged war on Christmas.

"Of course I recall seeing and meeting Ms Wolf at New College in Oxford during my time there,"Taylor insisted.

"My speech to the Parliament six years ago did not say she was involved in the war on Christmas. I want to say this,her accusation of anti-Semitism is wrong and deeply offensive to me and my family. Mr Speaker,my grandmother was Jewish and my belief in Judeo-Christian values is deeply held. I call for her to apologise for these unsubstantiated and outrageous accusations."

"The fact that the Labor Party has attached itself to anti-Semitic accusations show just how low they're prepared to go."

Cue another round of outrage from the Labor benches,more MPs thrown out,demands from Anthony Albanese that Taylor withdraw his accusation that Labor was anti-Semitic. Taylor was required to withdraw.

Parliament is over for the year.

Christmas can't come quickly enough.

Tony Wright is the associate editor and special writer for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

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