‘Normal process’:Albanese says Kitching’s dumping from tactics committee part of cut and thrust of politics

Labor leader Anthony Albanese has insisted neither he nor his staff was aware Kimberley Kitching felt bullied by her colleagues,as he defended the decision to dump her from the party’s Senate tactics committee as a routine political process.

In an effort to draw a line underallegations Senator Kitching was bullied and ostracised in the lead-up to hersudden death earlier this month,Mr Albanese and senior frontbencher Chris Bowen defended the party’s processes and sought to characterise the claims as part of the cut and thrust of politics.

Anthony Albanese has been under pressure to open a formal inquiry into allegations Kimberley Kitching was bullied.

Anthony Albanese has been under pressure to open a formal inquiry into allegations Kimberley Kitching was bullied.Dominic Lorrimer/Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Albanesebacked in the assertion by his deputy,Richard Marles, on Wednesday that Senator Kitching never made a formal complaint about her alleged poor treatment,and again rejected calls for an inquiry.

“There were no complaints put forward through the processes that have been established that were agreed to unanimously,” Mr Albanese said. “If people think that you can have an inquiry into someone,whether someone’s on the tactics committee or not,it just seems to me to be quite an extraordinary suggestion.”

He did not explain why Senator Kitching was removed from the tactics committee,saying only it was part of “normal processes” for internal party committees to change. It has been reported she was taken off the committee after she was suspected of tipping off then-defence minister Linda Reynolds to Labor’s plan to question her handling of a rape allegation by former staffer Brittany Higgins.

“Yes,Kimberley was suspended from the tactics committee. Those changes are made all of the time,” Mr Albanese said.

In a move that has angered Senator Kitching’s supporters,Labor’s former candidate for the seat of Kooyong,Jana Stewart,has emerged as the frontrunner to be her replacement,with a decision due next week.

Ms Stewart,an Indigenous woman and a former deputy secretary at the Victorian Justice Department,confirmed in a statement on Wednesday she would nominate after being approached in the past 24 hours “by several people in the Labor Party”. She has received the backing of dominant Right faction groupings including the Shop,Distributive and Allied Employees’ Association,the Transport Workers Union and the sub-faction aligned to Mr Marles.

Allies of Senator Kitching,including the Health Workers Union and a group connected to former leader Bill Shorten,have been cut out of the Right faction since the downfall of former Victorian MP Adem Somyurek upended the power structure in the Victorian branch. Despite this,the late senator’s friends had hoped to be able to pick her successor from within their own group,with Victorian Corrections Minister Natalie Hutchins raised as a possible option.

The idea of a consensus candidate was floated in a bid to end the factional war that has been spurring media coverage of Senator Kitching’s alleged mistreatment,but Ms Stewart’s probable elevation means the dispute is unlikely to cease.

Opposition leader responds to PM's 'gutless' claim.

Asked on Thursday whether he believed Senator Kitching had been leaking to the government or Coalition supporters,Mr Albanese acknowledged speculation in media reports but said he was “not aware of the basis of that speculation”.

“I think that Kimberley Kitching deserves much better than an ongoing discussion about whether she spoke to the vice-president of Liberal Party or someone else at any particular time,” he said,referring to a report by News Corp columnist Andrew Bolt. It alleged the senator had complained to Liberal vice-president Teena McQueen about her treatment by Labor frontbenchers Penny Wong and Kristina Keneally.

Mr Bowen said he had been “on and off” tactics committees and the front bench – a process he said was “part and parcel of a robust life in politics”. He strongly defended the Senate leadership team of senators Penny Wong,Kristina Keneally and Katy Gallagher,who havedenied bullying accusations made by Senator Kitching’s friends.

”I wanted to make the point as somebody who has been on and off the tactics committee,on and off the front bench,that there are robust discussions in Parliament. But Penny,Kristina and Katy – you could not find three more valued colleagues. They are such important members of our team,” Mr Bowen said.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison again accused Mr Albanese of “hypocrisy” for refusing calls for an inquiry into the alleged bullying.

“I think Australians honestly can see the double standard here. He’s happy to throw stones when it comes to these issues but clearly not happy to hold himself to the side standard he wishes to impose on others and that’s called hypocrisy,” Mr Morrison said.

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Lisa Visentin is the North Asia Correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

Paul Sakkal is federal political correspondent for The Age and Sydney Morning Herald who previously covered Victorian politics and has won two Walkley awards.

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