OECD push for global minimum rate of tax on multinationals

A high-powered international delegation of business,government and tax leaders is pushing forward with plans to introduce a global minimum rate of tax on multinationals,including digital giants,as up to a dozen countries stand up to US resistance.

Amid increasing frustration at the Trump administration's proposals to stick with the status quo to protect Silicon Valley companies,leaders who met at the OECD in Paris on Friday have set a 12-month deadline to deliver a minimum rate of tax that would apply to multinationals'global profits,and a digital services tax that would hit companies such as Facebook,Google and Apple.

The tech giants are under increased scrutiny in Australia.

The tech giants are under increased scrutiny in Australia.Bloomberg

The discussions come as the Morrison government takes an increasingly aggressive line on the practices of online platforms,warning on Thursday it would not put up with digital companies shirking their tax obligations in"the real world".

While Australia has stopped short of following France,Canada and Indonesia in applying a unilateral tax on revenues obtained by digital companies located predominantly outside their borders,the director of KPMG's Australian Tax Centre,Andy Hutt,said governments were increasingly happy to put the notion out there that"if the OECD doesn't get to one solution,other unilateral solutions might be back on the table".

Mr Hutt,who had representatives at the meetings in Paris,said US suggestions the digital services tax be made opt-in had sparked concern among some delegates. Prime Minister Scott Morrison will discuss ways forward with his counterparts Narendra Modi in India and Shinzo Abe in Japan when he meets with them next month.

The global minimum rate of tax for multinationals - which could fall anywhere between 10 and 30 per cent - has been discussed behind closed doors,as OECD members guard against blow-back from the international business community.

The ACCC will create a code of conduct says Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

The push on tax is emerging as the Morrisongovernment mounts a broader crackdown on tech giants following the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission's (ACCC) landmark digital platforms inquiry. On Thursday,it unveiledplans to beef up regulation of digital platforms,scrutinising the market power and activities of Facebook and Google in particular.

But the government's commitments - which included a code of conduct to govern negotiations between digital platforms and traditional media businesses,and a new unit set to probe the tech giants'powerful algorithms - have been met with scepticism from some media advocates.

Graham Burke,a veteran of the Australian film industry,said the plan would not rein in the power of the tech giants or help Australian content creators protect their copyright.

"I'm in shock that our government could come out with such a limp response,effectively delaying it to 2020 so the bad guys,the criminals,can have a heyday while Google has business as usual. They can do something about it,they just don’t want to do something about it,"Mr Burke said.

Allan Fels,former competition tsar and now chairman of the Public Interest Journalism Initiative,said the Australian media was"dying before our eyes",especially in regional and suburban areas.

"One of the lessons of digital disruption is how fast it can affect or destroy existing industries,"he said."So now is the time for the government to act,not defer."

Sources close to the tech giants,who had strongly resisted some of the recommendations put forward by the ACCC in its inquiry,described the government's response overall as"reasonable"and"balanced". They said the time given to manage the code of conduct – which will initially be voluntary but could become mandatory if government isn't satisfied with progress – was shorter than expected. One source said a code of conduct would at least clarify the rules and protect the sector from criticism.

Eryk Bagshaw is an investigative reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. He was previously North Asia correspondent.

Jennifer Duke was an economics correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,based at Parliament House in Canberra.

Fergus Hunter is a crime reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald. He previously reported on federal politics,education and communications at Parliament House in Canberra.

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